Laguna Minister Slams Carl’s Jr. for ‘Sex With a Hamburger’ Ad

Another example of a person who cant get laid and has to much time on their hands ..I know when i see this ad i just wanna have unprotected sex with a HIV+ Baboon while filming it with my iphone then peddle it to Amish kids …

Steve Arterburn, a self-described sex addiction expert—sure, call him a “sexpert”—and the founder of Laguna Beach-based New Life Ministries, was apparently offended by the above Carl’s Jr. TV commercial that premiered during last Sunday’s Oscars and is currently flashing across a screen near you.

So offended, in fact, that he’s demanding the burger chain yank it off the airwaves.

The ad shows Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue cover model Kate Upton crunching down on a new Southwest Patty Melt (mmmm, with jalapenos!). It’s spicy, so naturally, Kate breaks a sweat. Pretty logical.

But no! Arterburn sees Upton “having sex with a hamburger,” he tells KNX 1070’s Mike Landa.

In a release on his ministry’s website, Arterburn explained things further:

“The 30 second spot depicting Kate Upton in a drive-in simulating sexual satisfaction with a hamburger was demeaning to men with sexual integrity issues … Men who struggle with sex addiction are slimed daily by provocative ads on television and other media … Carl’s Jr. need to realize that sex addiction is a growing problem in America.”

Hmmm … wonder if Arterburn knows there’s an even longer version of the Upton ad featuring an extra scoop of lacy black stockings …

The spot is merely the latest in a long line of sexually provocative ads Carl’s has been using for years to snag the ever-coveted young-starving-dude demographic, so Arterburn is pretty late to the offend-o-rama. Where was he when Carl’s was running the sexy Paris Hilton ad, or the sexy Padma Lakshmi ad, or the sexy Kim Kardashian ad, or the sexy Audrina Patridge ad?

(We’ve provided the above links to the spots as a public service. Go ahead, click on ’em, we’ll be right here.)

Carl’s Jr. spokeswoman Beth Mansfield told KNX’s Landa that the Upton ad “has received mostly positive feedback on social media and is intended specifically for ‘young, hungry guys’ ages 18 to 34. We don’t try to offend other groups or exclude other groups, but we just want to appeal and amuse this specific audience.”

But what we really want to know is … where is the outcry from the vegetarian community over the Upton commercial, and its gratuitous display of delicious meat devouring?


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