Luscious Talent to Offer Assistance to Self-Booking Models

Los Angeles – Lola Luscious is making moves to assist models with booking and other services typically considered an agent’s job. The self-described, “adult talent self-booking collective”, aims to make life a bit easier for models without agencies by providing resources to its members that every model needs – sans contract.

Luscious Talent is the brainchild of Lola Luscious, and was created out of frustration with some of her past experiences. Of her new project, Lola explains, “We are trying create an environment that is completely optional to take advantage of assistance. The way we do that is by knocking-out competitiveness, contracts, and limiting behavior. We believe that models in the adult industry need an option to make their own choices about their careers, instead of being trapped into a contract.

If models choose to use our services, they are welcome to, and are CC’d on all negotiations to prevent any miscommunications. They also have access to a laundry list of services they can take advantage of in order to make their shoot happen, such as: hair & makeup, a free model house, free rides to shoots, and us managing their negotiations. At the end of their shoot they pay a donation.

We aren’t interested in competing with other big agencies – those models are perfectly well taken care of. But we do hope to provide an open door for an honest assessment of someone’s career and a safe way to get help taking charge and making the most success.”

For more information or to take advantage of the services offered by Luscious Talent, join their collective, or book the talent already available, please visit their website, call (424) 666-7687 8A – 6P PST, or email at luscioustalent@gmail.com. Also be sure to watch their Twitter for real-time updates on all things Luscious Talent.

PR for Luscious Talent is provided exclusively by XXX STAR PR. Follow us on Twitter, @XXXStarPR and check out our website, xxxstarpr.com. For interviews or media inquiries, contact xxxstarpr@gmail.com.

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  • "If models choose to use our services, they are welcome to, and are CC’d on all negotiations to prevent any miscommunications. They also have access to a laundry list of services they can take advantage of in order to make their shoot happen, such as: hair & makeup, a free model house, free rides to shoots, and us managing their negotiations. At the end of their shoot they pay a donation."

    ... sounds an a lot like an agency to me. And negotiating on behalf of others in the State of California, by definition, requires agency registration, doesn't it?
    In the State of California, isn't there a bond and license required for that?
    Even then, she might eventually get tired of providing all of those free services after awhile...

    • sounds an a lot like an agency to me. And negotiating on behalf of others in the State of California, by definition, requires agency registration, doesn’t it?


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