Categories: Crime

Marc From Tha Dark Speaks UPDATED UPDATED

First, 60 Minutes, NO I will not join your news team. Second, being the hard hitting award winning journalist that I am, I reached out to Marc Drescher aka Marc From The Dark through facebook for a comment on his latest arrest for woman beating. Keep in mind I folks, I ask the tough questions.

This looks like an on going post, so I will update throughout the day

Sean: any comment on your women beating case..?

Marc: Sure. lies. Charges dropped.

By the way feel free to add that James bartholet shouldn’t be pulling his dick out on cece stone and others whenever he feels like hes entitled. Did it yesterday in the alley of la talk radio show. Complete disrespect.

Oh I also to my case, add heroin addict and borderline personality disorder served with a side of jealousy and insecurity to her profile and intentions. Thanks.

Sean: so your saying you didn’t hit her or hurt her in anyway? I don’t like you, but I will tell both sides of the story.

Marc: I don’t even know you so I don’t know what there is that you don’t like about me you don’t know me. I don’t work until film anymore so frankly this story has nothing to do with you or media.

But that is correct I did not.

Matter fact she chose to leave me for a homeless guy to shoot up with in Las Vegas so I left her there. After she decided a few weeks later that that wasn’t the life for her she contacted me needing help. I sent her a bus pass and got her job. Unfortunately her jealousy got in the way and she caused a scene because she thought I was screwing around with another person.

She then scratched herself to bleed in order to file charges on me.

I suppose putting me in jail was easier for her to prevent me from allegedly screwing someone else.

That’s about it in a nutshell

Sean: So you didn’t take probation or time served on this case?

I waited a few minutes then asked

Sean: are you gonna reply? or are we done?

Crickets. If you look at the paperwork from LA County Sheriff under disposition it says probation or “prob” Still when I asked other questions he was quick to answer, and Facebook lets you know if someone has read your IM.

So we have Marc saying dismissed, paperwork showing probation, and him not answering the probation question.. Hmmmm

He replied below

Marc: Sorry very busy right now trying to locate another place to live because she also cost me my home. I played to probation and time served in order to get out a couple days ago. The case would have been dropped had I chosen to elect one more week in jail. My mother is dying and needs me to return to bury her. I refuse to have my mother pass on me while being in jail.

And if you need validation your welcome to contact my public defender.

Pleading to time served isn’t the same as case dismissed …Marc called me, pretty good convo and he vetted Tucker Slain pretty good..Says he’s got nothing to do with him and even confirmed a few things that will be worked in later…

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  • Obviously none of us know what happened, and since his ex has refused to go to court, we probably never will. Let me add that, although it's odd that Marc refused to talk further about the probation aspect, as we all know, in our system, just because someone takes a deal like probation to get out of the can when they can't make bail doesn't mean they're guilty, unfortunately.

    That said, Marc's out-of-the-blue deflection to an alleged incident with James Bartholet is also suspect. Discrediting your accuser is one thing, but discrediting an apparently uninvolved third party in the name of defending oneself is suspicious.

    If -- IF -- she truly suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder and a substance abuse problem, I can sympathize with his plight.

    IF Marc's story is true, or partly true, the jealousy, need for attention, and excessive tactics also match -- as does the campaign to bury him among their peers via social media. It'll be interesting to see what, if anything, happens with this story.

  • I put nothing past crazy bitches, but I'd like to know what another week in jail would have done to cause the case to be dropped? No probation w/ another week of lock up?? That aint dropped either.

  • it seems a lot of females file false reports. but it also seems a lot of males deny or lie about beating women when they are charged. so who knows? anyone who can be friendly with foster obviously has some kinda issues, though.

  • This is the girl who he beat constantly while being together... he just got out of prison for aggravating kidnapping me 5 years ago. He almost killed me this time...in texas... so ya you can say I lied... but i didnt. He kicked me in the head in California and I have a scar to prove it. And I felt bad for his dying mother and him....that's why I wasnt going to court.
    And I shouldn't have gotten back with him but I did. And it almost cost me my life.

    I'm so happy I actually have a life now. Away from him. And I'm still afraid of him. I just hope the 5 years he spent in prison in texas helped him... he needed to get off the meth.

  • Wow, Christina it's good to hear you're not dead and are happy in life now. Meth is bad. Hopefully he has learned this time. Being in fear is no way to live though. Have you been in contact with anyone he knows? Reason i ask....I don't want to scare you or make this any worse for you but prison will do many things to a man. Change him. For some they turn bitter and they get angrier and angrier at the person he feels responsible for putting him there. More times then not guys doing time will vent his anger or frustrations out to people he trusts or cares about. If you have contact with someone like that maybe you could ask if they know what he intentions are or does he still hold you accountable. For which, he has no one to blame but himself for being there..not you. I hope things end well with this and your happiness never fades Kind regards Vern.

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