Donny says NO ONE believes anything I say, nobody reads my site, and all I do is lie. Well, I know at least 2 people who read my site: Donny Long and Shelley Lubben. lol
First let me apologize for bringing Donkey up; I’m using him to make a point. Donny, as you know, has several hate sites, and on his sites he makes up stories about people then uses those stories to attack them. Everyday he tweets me some link about me. I never read his stuff. Why? Well, it’s not true so to me it doesn’t matter.
So the other day, we post about Shelley Lubben damaging a wall outside Vivid’s office. Shelley was with another person when this crime was committed. This attack on Vivid has now been backed up by another person. After I posted the story on MY PORN site, two pro-Lubben comments show up.
I run the IP and low behold it comes back to someone in Bakersfield, California. So a Lubben piece shows up on a PORN site and we get a Bakersfield poster. Coincidence? Maybe. Only problem with that is the ISP or internet service provider is BrightHouse Networks Bakersfield.
When Shelley’s Pink Cross site got infected with a virus, she temporally put her stuff on Brighthouse. So, a Lubben piece goes up, within 10 hours of the post someone from Bakersfield using the same ISP as the Lubbens shows up to back Lubben..HMMMMM lol
SO we got a Lubben on MY PORN site, trolling, doing damage control or trying at least. a few things wrong with that, the obvious one is, why is Lubben trolling a porn-site??? Porn is evil, its a tool of the devil and caused Monica Foster to get raped 1,222 times..
Lubben, Speaking with good friend Donny Long, called me a hater. Obliviously not affected by my post one bit. Forget that shes blocked me and hasn’t spoken to me in like 8 months. Mean ole Sean is just a porn trafficking hater whose obsessed with Shelley.
The comment below is even better. Lubben tweeting me. Im blocked on both of those accounts. Lubben has to go to my page to see my tweets. Why? Why is Lubben trolling my twitter? No one cares what Sean
Gee Sean, let it go, so she made a fake email and made a couple comments on your site. No biggie. No apparently The Lubbens have been trolling and looking at PORN Sites for a couple years now..
It would appear the Lubbens are addicted to pornography.
That’s a search for just the last 7 days..LOL
I think im gonna create a non profit that specializes in helping porn addicted anti porn non profits. Seems like it could be lucrative
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