Michael Whiteacre On The Run From The Law, A Case of Ramen Offered For Info Leading To His Capture

TRPWL Breaking News

As reported on a lesser site:

Ari Bass knew he was headed to jail today so he decided to just skip his court date.  He is now a fugitive and a bench warrant has been issued for his arrest.  i am told that combined with the letters the judge got and his past behavior in and out of court his probation will be revoked and he will do time.

A quick check of court records indicates that someone must’ve forgotten to tell the judge about the warrant she signed … WTF? I  better fax the judge and set her straight…

Poor Whiteacre, looks like all these felonies have finally caught up to him… Fine by me, I’m sick of him correcting my grammar and forcing me to confirm stories before I post them… That’s so 2013.

Let the record reflect that in January 2014, Whiteacre laid the smack down on not one but two men at a hotel bar. He was arrested and charged with 2 felonies. After gossip bloggers found out and reached out to the court to try to sink his battleship, the cases were reduced to misdemeanors:

LOL Thank God for super powerful well-connected bloggers.

Whiteacre had to be in California on Thursday, so he instructed his attorney to get a “re-set” of his status check to a date next week when he could be present. In court this morning, his attorney moved for a continuance, and it was granted. The end.

The irony here is the guy who made up this shit about Whiteacre was actually a fugitive from the law — for six months — after fleeing a jurisdiction in which he’d been charged after accosting a stripper at the club he was later fired from. Since Whiteacre exposed this embarrassing set of circumstances, he’s so butthurt he can’t help but make up stories about Whiteacre.

I myself was gonna write the judge about Whiteacre’s obsession with anal sex and the word ‘your’, but realized it was bad idea after reading this excerpt from the Nevada Code of Judicial Conduct on the prohibition against Ex Parte Communications:

Yeah, that pretty much speaks for itself…

Anyway, if any of you see Whiteacre make sure you  “call the Clark County Sheriffs Dept at (702) 828-3111. explain to them that he has a bench warrant on case # #14F01031X”

Don’t forget to apologize for wasting their fucking time…

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  • I can't believe South is telling tall tales! I think his 95% Reckonin journalistic standard might be down to like 80% Fudgin an Figgerin.

    I hope he gives his meemaw HIV and Ebola he contracts from his Georgia OSHA supervised, partially tested whores and mopes.

    • He lives 2200 miles from porn valley, where everyone thinks he's a joke. The notion that South -- who was fired from his one and only professional porn gig BEFORE the movie was even released -- is some kind of expert on porn valley is ludicrous.

      There's a story in Salon about a fellow named Ed Champion. The writer notes that "Champion's power was largely illusory, a mirage he’d concocted of smoke, mirrors, boasting and bullying that worked best on vulnerable newcomers." That's South. He plays to gullible rubes, just the way charlatans like Shelley Lubben (whom he has kind words for fairly regularly) do.

      The only people in adult who feed South any info do so because either 1) they are lowlifes or outcasts themselves, or 2) they want to smear someone and they know he'll run anything, because he has no journalistic, or other ethical standards. beyond that, there are just so many Shy Love press releases he can run before he has to concoct something he thinks will grab attention.

      His site is what defeat looks like: I've forced him to make it about me. He is entirely in a defensive posture, masquerading as aggressive. Personally, I find his fixation hilarious, both in its desperation and its lack of efficacy.

  • He was totally owned on the Xbiz forums today when it was pointed out he uses untested talent. His usual rate of lies has climbed above 75%, most of his commentators are sounding more and more like he is writing them all, and some are asking if his sales are still so low that he lives with his mom in her shitty condo.

    • The comments all sound alike because he moderates the comment section of his site.

      South does test his talent though. His OSHA guy squirts a packet of lemon juice in his hand, then rubs it on every pecker. If the mope winces, then he isn't allowed to jack off on the methbilly's face.

      OSHA guy, what an asshole. Has anyone contacted GA OSHA to ask them which employee is moonlighting as a porn set safety inspector?

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