Crisis is the rallying cry of the tyrant. ~ James Madison
According to the Cal/OHSA Reporter there were 375 workplace deaths in California in 2012.
Mind blowing isn’t it? All those porn deaths.
Good thing Cal/OSHA is running around spending all that cash and manpower putting condoms on penises and backing AHF’s move to control the adult business.
Thanks to Cal/OSHA, all those many work-related death on porn sets will now be avoided.
The latest budget signed into law by President Obama includes $552.2 million in funding for OSHA, including approximately $208 million for enforcement. Although the total amount falls $18.3 million short of the $570.5 million the agency requested, the final budget fully funds OSHA’s requested enforcement dollars. Overall, the new funding levels represent an increase of $17 million, or 3.2%, over the funding OSHA received during the sequestration-impacted Fiscal Year (FY) 2013.
- $207.8 million will be earmarked for federal enforcement activities. This amount is similar to the FY 2013 final spending levels because OSHA shifted its funds towards enforcement from other programs during sequestration.
- $143.9 million will be used for compliance assistance, including federal assistance, state consultation grants, and training grants.
- $100 million will be available for grants to states that operate their own occupational safety and health agencies.
- $34.3 million will be used for safety and health statistics.
- $20 million will be available for safety and health standards.
- $24.3 million will go towards technical support.
- $17 million will fund whistleblower protection programs.
Obama is sick and tired of people being killed on porn sets and has declared porn public enemy # 1.
Sometimes when I’m on Twitter and see someone tweet they’re on the way to set, I silently thank OSHA for attempting to keep Penny Pax safe from any penis that may try and hurt her.
OSHA says it plans to use its funding to advance its overall goals of securing safe and healthy workplaces and ensuring that workers have a voice in the workplace. In particular, the agency plans to focus on high-hazard industries and devote attention to the four leading causes of workplace death: falls, electrocutions, caught-in and caught-between incidents, and struck-by incidents. OSHA plans to use both enforcement and outreach efforts to work toward these goals.
I remember that time Asa was struck in the face by a penis, feel over a rail, landed in a pool and was shocked by a loose wire from a charging iPhone. Luckily things like that wont happen anymore…
According to OSHA’s 2014 Budget Justification, the agency plans to use its enforcement funding to conduct 39,250 inspections in 2014. These inspections will be targeted to
find and address(shut down all porn sets), the most hazardous workplaces under the agency’s new weighted inspection system. In addition to focusing on serious hazards, OSHA plans to encourageits compliance officers and area offices to conduct complex inspections, such as those for Process Safety Management.
Some of things OSHA will be looking for include:
Combustible DustHazardous Machinery (National Emphasis Program on Amputations)Hexavalent ChromiumOccupational Exposure to IsocyanatesLeadNursing and Residential Care FacilitiesPrimary Metal IndustriesProcess Safety Management (Two programs: PSM Covered Chemical Facilities and Petroleum Refinery Process Safety Management)ShipbreakingCrystalline SilicaTrenching and Excavation- PENISES THAT AREN’T UP TO CODE
No they wont come right out and tell Corvus his penis is dangerous — they will use the old “your railing is .05855 inches off center, that will be $45,000 please.”
Luckily, Cal/OSHA will be able to visit Evil Angel at least 19,546 times and still have some visits left over for and TIM.
I for one will sleep easier knowing Cal/OHSA is out watching penises.
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