Own a piece of history! Brandon Irons Is Having a Sale

Sometimes being a award winning journalist is a hard job.. In between tard bashing and watching wrestling i have to search the net for great news worthy stuff..And guess what, i found the deal of all deals..How many of you need a gently used carpet for your living area?

For sale: Gently used 5×8 foot carpet, guaranteed not to give rug burns. Who wants to open the bidding? Serious and non-serious offers welcome.
Buy today and I will throw in an autographed copy of LOAD MY MOUTH.

You need to head over to XPT and start biding on this work of art.

This carpet is a true conversation starter..Thanksgiving 2013

Hey Tritone, were did you get that gently used and slightly stained carpet from?

Oh that, I picked that up on XPT. I got into a bidding war with Nathanial Mayweather. Yea it used to belong to Brandon Irons..See that white stain? Thats Brandon’s spunk mixed in with Nikita Bellucci’s ass juice…But it gets better, stare at the brown stuff over here..Don’t blink, see that, its the outline of Tom Brady’s face..But i almost didn’t bid, turns out Brandon never ate the ass of a black women so hes obviously a racist…

This is that one purchase that keeps giving back…

Please, Bid today..

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