Policeman caught on camera beating prostitute in street ‘after she refused to perform sex act’

A shocking video reportedly captures the moment a police officer brutally beats a mother on the street after ‘she refused to perform a sex act on him’.

In the clip, Weerasinghe Arachchilage Kanthilatha, a sex worker from Ratnapuara, Sri Lanka, is seen being struck repeatedly by the police officer’s baton.

She can be heard screaming out in pain as she lies on the ground by a bus stop.

The 35-year-old said the incident occurred because she declined the officer’s request to perform a sexual act on him.

She claims the policeman threatened to “teach her a lesson” before returning a few days later and attacking her with the baton.

The incident occurred in September 2014 and caused a public outcry after it was shared on social media sites in the country.

Kanthilatha and her lawyer have filed a Fundamental Rights petition in the Supreme Court, citing violation of her rights enshrined in the Constitution – which include her right to equal protection of the law, as well as freedom from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.

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