Say What? Diva Performer Refuses to say, “Please Don’t Tell Your Wife, I Will Do ANYTHING To Keep My Job”

In the 6 years Ive been doing this I’ve heard lots of reasons why girls kill scenes, Sudden vacation to Dubai, $2000 GF experience at the local Marriott errrr I mean the flu, boyfriend doesn’t want them doing a creampie so close to their anniversary, jail, sleeping off a 3 day coke binge, those are pretty good reasons, and these are typically done BEFORE the shoot…

By far the most absurd one yet..  Performer gets to set and doesn’t like dialogue..

LOL You know what, I don’t give a fuck if I get flamed for this..This is the dumbest fucking thing yet…

I’m constantly amazed at the talent pool nowadays, a bunch of whiny pop tarts who’s biggest concern is themselves… Oh Danny was mean, I need to go to my safe space.

Fuck man, if you have that many boundaries and words hurt you that much get the fuck out of porn…

The great Judge Smails once said, The world needs ditch diggers too”





There about 20 tweets in this chain and I’m to lazy to upload all of them…

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