Shelley Lubbens Brother Responds


It’s my understanding you contacted mom yesterday through email to warn her of a ‘dangerous’ pornographer who is ‘stalking’ you? It’s also my understanding you are claiming he threatened your life? Do you have any documented proof to substantiate your claims – dangerous, stalking, threatening life? If so, please forward it to me so I can see it for myself.

I need to correct you on a few things.

1) I didn’t fall for anything. 2) Michael Whiteacre didn’t contact me. 3) I contacted him. 4) I do not have a partnership with him, support pornography, did not sign a contract, receive payment or been given any special gifts or incentives. 5) My intent is to provide factual information of your past, our parents and my experience as your brother. This is information you have almost entirely left out of your book, tv interviews and Internet documentation. 6) I have made it very clear to Michael that I do not support pornography but I do support the truth being made public since so much untruth has been spread by you.

You are using a Christian platform to spread lies about our parents and your past so it seemed only fitting for me to use a secular one to spread the truth.

I want you to know that I am not ‘mad’ at you, I am furious with you. I’m not the one ‘dragging’ our whole family into the public spotlight. You have done an excellent job of that yourself. I have spoken many times to this man over the phone and he is not a psychopath. If anything he works with porn but he is coherent and concise in all of the information he gives; I cannot say the same about you. I have seen numerous videos of you on youtube where you are incoherent and belligerent. It is very reminiscent of the way you were 20 years ago.

I’m sorry Shelley but I don’t believe a word that comes out of your mouth. This is not because I’m being influenced by a ‘psychotic pornographer’. I have known you my entire life and you are a master manipulator. You once said I was ‘secretly jealous of you’—you don’t know how wrong you are. I feel sorry for you and hope one day you get the help you so desperately need.

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  • This is one of Shelley's rambling email replies to her brother (Wednesday, October 5, 2011):

    If you want to partner with a pornographer and subject your family to demonic influence and dangerous people who commit crimes against women and children then so be it. You have no clue what you have become involved in. Michael Whiteacre works with Free Speech Coalition which they are tied to child and teen pornography as well as pornography that depicts teens and children. They are extremely involved in fighting laws that protect children as you can read about here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashcroft_v._Free_Speech_Coalition .

    [A]ttached is information on ... Diane Duke who is a lesbian and pro-abortion and the president of Free Speech Coalition. She ran Planned Parenthood for years and murdered babies. She currently fights against protection of children on the internet as well as fights AGAINST child pornography laws so that way the adult industry can sell porn with teens and depiction of children. It’s the hottest genre right now. You can easily search on google for teen porn and it will blow your mind how much you will find. It’s ALL directly connected to Free Speech Coalition who is the trade association that protects the entire adult industry led by Diane Duke with the help of Michael Whiteacre.

    If you want to side with a pornographer tied to child pornography and the depiction of teen and child sex and the abuse of women and an organization that promotes abortion then you have chosen to associate yourselves with murderers, rapists and pedophiles. You should at least take time to know who you are consorting with. And you should have compassion for your sister who has been subjected to horrible amounts of evil in order to help rescue women and children from pornography, child pornography and sex trafficking. These women and children are somebody’s daughter. God forbid if it was ever your daughter. I guarantee the Free Speech Coalition and Michael Whiteacre could care less about protecting your daughter. Quite the contrary, they would gladly welcome your daughter into the porn industry if given the chance.

    Whereas I risk my life to protect children.

    You may not agree with my testimony of growing up and our parents but you are choosing to support murderers and pornographers and trust information from criminals. You are consorting with criminals. With the worst kind of criminals!

    I hope you will really take the time to at least read the truth about the porn industry and it’s extreme connection to child pornography.

    http://www.teensforcash.com/home/ - This is one of the porn companies Free Speech represents.

    http://www.cduniverse.com/browsecat.asp?404;http://www.cduniverse.com:80/search/xx/ice/category2/15082/a/Devil's+Films'+Teen+Tryouts:+Audition+Series.htm&style=ice&cart=1244519674 – Teen porn by Devil’s Films which is another porn company that FREE SPEECH COALITION represents.
    And the list goes on and on.

    I work very closely with the most powerful anti-porn organizations and they all support me and believe in me and even have compassion for me that I am fighting such a vicious fight on the front lines. Pink Cross is the only organization of former porn actresses who reach out to women trapped in porn as well as fights pornography. It takes extreme courage and endurance to do what we do. I’ve worked with the FBI and the Obscenity Task Force and sex trafficking organizations across the country. I’ve testified in congress, California state capitol and stood up against a billion dollar industry who is trying to take me and my WHOLE family out because of it.

    And then there’s my brother partnering with criminals who promote teen sex, child pornography and pornography. Geez. I hope you are smarter than that.

  • I think Shelley Lubben has been mentally ill since before she entered porn in 1993. Michael, I have seen the videos on your website and they prove what I have thought for a long time about Shelley. I fear that she will end up attcking an innocent porn director at one of the porn conventions she attends due to one of her psychotic episodes and hurt him or her severely. For the rest of us, I would say please have some compassion for Shelley (but still make sure the public knows what she says about porn is not true) as she is severely mentally ill and those that have never experienced a psychotic mental illness can't possibly understand the hell her life likely is right now. Fortunately this type of mental illness can be treated to allow her to live a relatively normal existence and I hope she is treated soon, the sooner the better!

    Please note that I have never met Shelley Lubben, so I can only speak to what I have seen from her public appearances and heard from others that have met her.

    • I will show her the same mercy and compassion she has showed others, and not an ounce more, until she CONFESSES and makes AMENDS for the wrongs she has done.

  • Michael, I have to agree that she should make amends for the wrongs she has done rather than blame others. With my limited understanding of AA (since Shelley claims to be an alcoholic and addict) I understand that making amends for wrongs is part of recovery. I hope that she gets the help she so desperately needs so she can actually make amends to the porn industry for the problems she has caused. I don't expect her to like porn but she does need to understand that her supposed experience in porn doesn't mean everyone performing is disrespected (most women in porn enjoy their experience).

    I understand your feelings toward Shelley. I share many of them myself. However, I don't have enough animosity toward her to wish the life she has now on her (which is likely hell on Earth for her and her family).

    Mark my words, Shelley will seriously hurt someone if she doesn't get help very soon and with her feelings on this industry it will probably be at AEE or another convention she attends! From what she has said about porn directors and producers, I suspect she will attempt to hurt someone that directs or produces porn if she has one of her psychotic episodes there (and at AEE you can't even swing a dead cat without smacking a director with it there are so many there so there would be plenty of contact betweeen directors and Shelley). At least Shelley was smart enough to stay out of PWL -- thankfully as she could have intensified the already enormous damage greatly if she had participated.

  • I don't wish anything bad on Shelley Lubben -- but until she accepts personal responsibility and starts to make amends, whatever sympathy I have for her is TREMENDOUSLY outweighed by my sympathy for her victims, and my disgust at those who use her to prop up their anti-porn industry arguments.

    I have nothing but sympathy for her family -- including her minor children -- whom Shelley needlessly and endlessly exposes to her lunacy as well as porn industry nastiness. Shelley's brother reached out to me, and I would like nothing more in regards to Shelley to see her get the help she so desperately needs. That is what her family wants: her to STOPm lying about them, and for her to seek treatment. BUT the first step HAS TO BE from Shelley.

    I'm not so sure Shelley DID stay entirely out of PWL. 1) She has her servants, Jenni and Roger, spent their days gathering up quotes and screenshots regarding porn stars, and it is extremely unlikely, to me, that they overlooked juicy PWL "intel"; and 2) I gave been informed that not one but two Pink Cross email addresses were found in Donny Long's email about address book.

    • I had not seen anything regarding Shelley Lubben and PWL whatsoever but I would not put it past her. Since two Pink Cross e-mails were found in Donkey's data files (I would believe you before believing Lub-Head and her cronies any day), someone over there must have at least either been in communication with Donkey or had access accounts there. Since I don't have access to the raw data files, I cannot ascertain that she didn't try to fuck porn there as well -- it would be interesting if someone could.

      BTW your latest installment on the Devil and Shelley site is interesting and confirms what I said in my first post here -- Seroquel is an anti-psychotic used to treat schizophrenia and bipolar I disorder (and is mentioned in the video).

  • honestly y'all... i DO wish something bad on shelley lubben. what i wish for her is that she is prosecuted to the full extent of the law for impersonating a 501(c)3 organization. She is mentally ill, we all know that. but a lot of us on this planet are mentally ill. I've got a diagnosis on me but you know what? I'm still held accountable for my actions. She needs to be accountable for hers too. What she is dealing with now is nothing compared to what she deserves - which is years of imprisonment for literally stealing from so many well-intentioned, God fearing, sympathetic donors who have done nothing more than support her addictions to drugs, alcohol, plastic surgery and other vanities. And let us not forget the harm that she caused others. Alcohol and benzodiazepines can cause DEATH. and this is a combination that she introduced to someone who sought HELP from her in dealing with the pains of addiction. This, too, is a criminal offense. I am all about compassion, but not to the extent that we forgive crimes that others would be locked up in a second for. What she has committed here are multiple felonies.

  • By the way, when Shelley writes (above) "I’ve testified in congress" she is lying. She once spoke at a PornHarms meeting in Washington DC which was attended by a few people from Capitol Hill -- a portion of that performance (complete with moisture-less crocodile tears) can be seen in the opening of "The Devil and Shelley Lubben" episode 1.

    As for her testimony in the Califiornia state capitol, I refer you to this article on The Swift and Quiet Death of AB 847 http://www.xbiz.com/articles/124156 and in particular this section:

    "Shelley Lubben, an ex-performer who now makes her living opposing the industry representing an organization called the Pink Cross, testified that the industry is wrought with prostitution, slavery, drug deals, HIV, meth addicts, murder and suicide....

    "When all was said and done, the swing vote was Assembly Member Saldana. She had previously taken a position in support of the bill but changed her vote and the bill was defeated before it even got out of committee. When [FSC's lobbyist] asked Assembly Member Saldana what changed her mind she said that she had read our materials, there was no law enforcement supporting the bill and that Ms. Lubben was way over the top."

    I call this The Lubben Effect.

  • Beth: "What she is dealing with now is nothing compared to what she deserves – which is years of imprisonment for literally stealing from so many well-intentioned, God fearing, sympathetic donors who have done nothing more than support her addictions to drugs, alcohol, plastic surgery and other vanities. ... I am all about compassion, but not to the extent that we forgive crimes that others would be locked up in a second for. What she has committed here are multiple felonies."

    Very powerful statements, and true.

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