To be honest, I’m sorry to have to write this
press release. Yes, TIM successfully defended the work that we do and the culture that we represent. And yes, this was against the combined forces of Aids Healthcare Foundation (AHF) and their purchased shills at Cal-OSHA. Both AHF and OSHA expected us to give up. They didn’t realize that what they were fighting were my basic life principles and my absolute dedication to the sacred freedom to be whomever you fucking want to be, on camera or off. So, six years later, we triumphed. You’d think I’d be happy.
Nope. I’m not happy to write this press release. Want to know why?
Hold on—let me go back a step. Why am I calling “1,000 Load Fuck” the most valuable porn ever made? Well, something is given value according to what people will pay for it. So let’s add this one up.
There was the cost to AHF to pay their attorneys and their representatives to attend every session for six years, flying them, housing them, paying their fees. That’s money that could have been used more wisely, to put it mildly.
Then there’s the cost to Cal-OSHA for their legal team, their representatives, their investigative agents who spent untold hours working on this frivolous case.
My cost? A whopping 685 bucks. That was covered by a couple of hours of sales of the offending scene online. So let’s not even count that.
But then there are the less apparent—but very real—costs behind this case. While Cal-OSHA was using its very limited resources to “investigate” my porn, do you want to know how many people died in industrial accidents in California? I hope you’re sitting down for this. There have been between 300 and 500 deaths each year. That means that while Cal-OSHA was satisfying a bizarre sexual kink in the personality of Michael Weinstein, between 1800 and 3000 women and men were killed in avoidable industrial accidents. Many, if not all, of these deaths could have been avoided had Cal-OSHA been able to oversee and evaluate the worksites. But they were busy watching “1,000 Load Fuck” for Michael Weinstein.
Let me be cold about this. Each year, the cost to the California economy of these industrial accidents is around $30 billion. That’s around 30 times the entire budget for Cal-OSHA. But the needs of the State and the lives of working men and women clearly aren’t as pressing to Cal-OSHA as the repressed sexual whims of Michael Weinstein. At some point, you have to ask what the hell is going on here.
And while AHF devoted its resources and its money to this six-year battle, what was going on in the world of hiv/AIDs? Even though AHF claims to be a globally responsible “non-profit” corporation, even though AHF claims to be stopping hiv around the world, AIDs remains the cause of more deaths in Africa than any other disease. Do you think it’s astonishing that they would focus more attention on one scene from one of my porn videos in California while this was the case?
But wait…there’s more! They’ve also spent well over a million dollars fighting against the use of PrEP in the US. That’s a million dollars that’s directly responsible for the seroconversion of a hell of a lot of young men.
The people responsible for this are astonishingly irresponsible, terrifyingly ignorant and pathetically hungry for any attention they can muster. Let me list the cast of a couple of the most culpable folks here:
Michael Weinstein president of AHF, the largest nonprofit global HIV/AIDS organization. A man painfully out of touch not only with the verities of sex, but also with the now preposterous mandate of his own company. Years ago I tried to believe that he wasn’t as foolish and small-minded as he turns out to be. I have now given in to what I had heard from everyone who had dealt with him: He is to fools what San Andreas is to faults. Tragically, he’s a fool who, through ruthless dishonesty and repugnant business practice, is playing with the lives of a lot of people. And that makes him not only foolish but also dangerous.
Adam Cohen Public Health Consultant for the AHF. I don’t know how much he’s being paid by AHF to shill for them in these absurd cases, but can it really be worth having sold his soul, not to mention his intellectual credibility? This is a young man who used to make films that argued for the importance of seeing all the various sides of an issue. He’s also celebrated the use by women of the birth control pill. But he’s a crazy AHF-bred anti PrEP zealot, a shameful joke of a figure. He is a monogamous heterosexual college boy who actually seems to believe that he understands gay sexuality better than I do.
I’d like to address a grateful shout-out to one of my ex-employees (a fellow I fired for his inability to do anything well), Gehno Aviance Sanchez, who happily testified in court against me and against TIM. Fortunately—if somewhat ironically—his testimony served to establish the fact that the contents of the gallon jar—the 1000 loads of the Thousand Load Fuck—was in fact pure semen. I was pleased that he did this, since a couple of gay blogs had speculated that the loads weren’t entirely jizz.
I never fake anything. Ever.
And this brings me back to the value of the scene in question, the “1,000 Load Fuck”. It’s clearly the most valuable porn scene in history. Yes, it took a hell of a lot of work to make it happen, and I was thrilled to do so. It was worth it all. But was it worth the deaths and industrial maimings and accidents that occurred as a direct result of Michael Weinstein’s petty neurotic need for attention and Adam Cohen’s myopic, ignorant and sanctimonious college-boy vision of gay sex? Is the porn fetish of an aging repressed and bitter gay man really worth all that this case cost society? Is the reactionary sex fear of a naive, slack-jawed student sufficient cause to divert the severely limited resources of a state agency away from protecting California employees who died as a result? Was it worth the millions of dollars that were siphoned by AHF away from even trying—even trying!—to fulfill their mandate in third-world countries?
I am horrified to say this, but clearly to the overheated salacious imaginations of AHF, Michael Weinstein and his toady Adam Cohen, a single sexual event involving a handful of white men carries greater weight than the lives and the health of impoverished African men and women and children, not to mention the health of untold numbers of young gay men.
And that, my friends, is really sick. I make porn, but if you want to see the truly obscene, look to AHF and Weinstein and Adam Cohen. They play with the lives and wellbeing of those they are supposed to protect in a way that is both facile and vile.
It may be time to lock the fuckers up; to lock ‘em up and throw away the key.
Paul Morris
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