Torture Porn Era Officially Dead

A film genre known for its gruesome depictions of torture, punishment and death has met its own demise.

The box office receipts for “The Collection,” a film from some of the creative team behind the “Saw” franchise, earned a pitiful $3.4 million over the weekend.

The sequel to the obscure 2009 horror film “The Collector” ladled on the gore like its Torture Porn predecessors “Hostel” and “Saw,” two franchises currently in limbo. Had “The Collection” scared up some decent coin you can bet the minds behind those franchises might consider it a sign to sharpen those rusty blades anew.

Audiences have had enough of the cleverly conceived mutilations. Found footage horror a la “Paranormal Activity” is the preferred method for scares, and studios lap up its low-fi approach and star-free casts.

Torture porn-style horror will still have a home on video and streaming services, satiating a niche eager to witness faux atrocities. The “Wrong Turn” series, for example, dabbles in the genre’s blood-soaked visuals. That direct-to-DVD series is far more interested in horror movie tropes like gratuitous nudity, violence and an insatiable hunger for sequels.

Not sure how porn got thrown into this.. Ive seen Wrong Turn, in fact the movie crossed my mind the day before yesterday while walking alone in the woods..Sadly it wasn’t anything sexual, more of, hopefully some hillbilly doesn’t shoot me with a cross bow


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  • Worse yet, a hillbilly could subject you to a bukkake. Be sure to wear a rain smock of some kind on your next hike for protection.

  • Upon reading the title, I thought Minion had passed. I was relieved to see this article was about the diminishing receipts of slasher clap jap.

    If my Maker's Mark saturated memory is correct, I believe the horror of servicing Doron is to blame for one of the sets of scars on the dainty wrists of Kara Bare, aka Shawna Lenee. The girl's Penthouse years did nothing for me. Kara Bare had a more notable career in adult film than Shawna Lenee, and was void of grotesque silicone teets. I only recommend the utilization of faux breasts on supple young Laotian and Burmese males as a precursor to the surgery required to go full lady boy. The mass amounts of hormones necessary to induce breast growth, also makes them as moody as a woman, and if I wanted to deal with that I wouldn't have turned to libations in order to let my inner Nancy descend upon the free world.

    • Sweetnins, will you reconsider my request to do a cam show for me where you get face down, ass up, and sing me Camptown Races while working yer buttcheeks like Ace Ventura Pet Detective??

      In between verses, you should degrade me. Something like, "Yeah, tug on that tiny dick you stupid, fat, cracker mother fucker," then right back to singing.

      I'll tip a 20 if you can cut a fart during the show. I gotta see it though, no making a fart sound while your asshole aint visible.

      Come on Coco, a 20 is like 2 boxes of wine. Plus the show fee.

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