Trinity St Clair’s Message to @porncommunity

Trinity St Clair writes an open letter to @porncommunity on her blog:

After sitting back and watching months and months and months I think I’ve had enough. Or maybe it was after you called me Arab, not sure which one… But I am tired of having my timeline blown up by your drama.

How DARE you call yourself the porn community when all you do is badger and obsess over Christian xxx, sure you retweet some of the pictures of industry girls, trying to help newbies get more followers but in the end you always go back to Christian. A community never focuses on one individual. A community supports each other.

Who gives a rat’s ass if Christian tweets for the agencies; this is their prerogative. Yes, he may try and make money off being an affiliate, but this is our career we make money off porn. And if you think he is making thousands and thousands of dollars tweeting an affiliate code you are so wrong, and need to be checked.

Also I’ve noticed for being the porn community you always seem to tweet or retweet or talk to only certain girls — a community does not do that.

By the way, I could give a flying fuck what Christian triple X does in his spare time; if he takes it up the butt and enjoys it that’s fine, who cares? I don’t. I only care if it starts affecting the money in my pocket [and] as far as most of us are concerned Christian has always been very honest what he does and has never been malicious in any way.

So if you want to keep tweeting about what Christian triple X does and how he tweets for companies, for agencies and for girls, then you should change your name to …  @IhateChristianxxx or @christianxxxhater because none of us care and none of us are going to say anything. We just get irritated by how completely annoying you are. You don’t represent our industry LETS be clear about that.

This industry is a family and yes, Christian is a part of it.

Thank you,
Trinity St Clair
an industry girl

Trinity’s Blog

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  • Keep defending Christian and keep enabling his to further contaminate the "straight side" of the porn industry. The guy is a cancer.

    • Is that you, PornCummunity???

      Unless you have real evidence that Christian is HIV+ and/or that much a threat to the adult talent pool, pardon me if I don't buy what you are attempting to sell.

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