Vice is Nice had their animal rescue fundraiser last night..Heres a few pictures from the event…Porn industry reject Rob Black wasn’t there..Apparently Katie didn’t give him bus-fare..
Vice Is Nice Charity Event: Pictures by Michael Whiteacre
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All that white cock....
Sorry. Just had my first orgasm in 19 months.
Ms. Foster's escort business not doing so hot, huh? Newsflash: when an escort takes her john out on their "date", she usually orgasms when he cums deep inside her cunt or ass. :)
It seems for $140 an hour some poor sap would be convinced to hire her to give him herpes, crabs, the clap and snotty dick.
Well, when a woman is taught by her irresponsible parents growing up that any cock is a good cock, combined with copious amounts of drugs and alcohol, numerous abortions, a hatred of birds, and sex with more men than I have fingers and toes times 2.5 million, calluses form on the inner vaginal walls. Now that I'm in my mid-40's I have a very difficult time reaching orgasm but the thought of multiple cracker cocks did it.
That's the box of wine cuz Imposter Foster said so.
The worst part of that is the hatred for birds. RIP Peaches
Yes, for sure RIP Peaches, you are not forgotten....
For the record that AOL e-mail is NOT my e-mail address. I haven't had an AOL e-mail in many years.
i just figured out when you change title it resets all tweet and facebook counts....weird
if you just change the title, it won't. but if you change the url, it resets.
Michael Whiteacre enjoying your life and living in the midst of all the most beautiful women of the world.. #LovesIt
If all those pictures could talk ;)
Kelly Holland deserves thanks for hosting this amazing event every year. Great people, terrific food and drinks... It's always a blast.
Great pictures.
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