I Don’t Consider Prostitution A Profession

Apr 7, 2013
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People often say, “Prostitution is one of the world’s oldest professions,” but as for me, “I don’t consider it a profession because I consider it disgusting, a lure for the weak, condescension, health problems, enslavement, illicit and merciless.”

Barbara K Smith

There’s a question that has puzzled me for many years, why do men (married and unmarried) like to go to prostitutes for sexual gratification? What type of a personality gravitates to this type of a relationship? Why do men want to keep their secret hidden from people? Does the excitement of the “secret” thrill men?

While I was researching for answers to my questions, I was surprised to read on the Everydayhealth.com’s Internet site that a new study conducted by researchers from the University of Portland pursued to discover and determine pretty much the same questions that I wanted answered.

The article stated the International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology had published the University of Portland’s findings that only one percent of men had ever visited a sex worker in the past year and that 14 percent of men reported they had visited a sex worker only once in their lives.

These researchers did more than find out the statistics of men having paid sex but they actually delved into their backgrounds and histories
seeking more data about the men.

One of their findings was a little surprising to me because they indicated that men serving in the military are more prone to seek a paid sex partner; and men who are full-time employees and “sexually liberal” are more prone to confess to visiting a prostitute and having paid sex.

I was concerned as to “why” military men were more prone to pay for sex than any other man? The article answered this question for me by indicating it could be because of the nature of the place of their military jobs. Most military men travel to foreign countries and it’s difficult for them to be able to meet and socialize with partners in an overseas location; and also military men often do not have access to meeting women at bars and parties like an average man does.

I’m sure readers are going to want this answered too, “Why are full-time employees who are sexually liberalized more prone to having paid sex?”

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