Porn, Sex and Russell Brand by Dr. David Ley

Feb 25, 2015
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Monday, a video appeared on the YouTube channel of an anti-porn group called “Fight The New Drug” featuring comedian, actor (and former husband of Katy Perry), Russell Brand speaking about “the harmful effects of porn and how it alters ideas and perceptions about sex.” The video originally appeared on Brand’s own YouTube channel. 

Russell Brand on Hardcore & Softcore Porn, by Dr. David Ley

There’s a fascinating backstory about the Salt Lake City, Utah-based “Fight The New Drug”, which we’ll address soon. Today, however, we asked Dr. David Ley, PhD, for his insight into the outspoken Brand’s remarks about porn and sexuality.


Russell Brand is a passionate man, and I enjoy his comments on life, sex, love and politics. He may not always be accurate, but he’s always well-intended and forces us to think about important issues.

A lot of people have concerns like those that Russell is voicing, where they, like him, use porn and then feel guilty about it. But, what Russell fails to explore, is the question of whether this guilt and shame is the result of porn, or a circular effect of our social attitudes towards sex and porn? In other words, does Russell feel guilty because society has told him that he should feel guilty about it, and time spent watching porn is a waste of time, and is not very healthy? Is Russell here being the voice of Big Brother Morality, telling people they should be ashamed of their sexual desires and behaviors? It seems so, and that’s a little sad. He is usually more resistant to being an arm of “The Man.”

Russell’s thoughts and concerns are guilty of comingling two separate issues – masturbation, and porn-watching. This is a very common trick of the anti-porn movement – they treat masturbation and porn-watching as the same thing. They attack masturbation covertly, by attacking porn-watching.

Does he have a problem with porn, but not with masturbation? That remains unclear. He asserts that sex is about relationship, intimacy and love. Well, maybe. But for many people, sex is also about recreation, stress release, exploration and adventure.

Masturbation doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with love, or connecting with other people, or the universe. So, I’m left wondering if Russell believes that masturbation itself is an equal waste of time? In which case, I think it would help Russell to see some of the research that shows that people who masturbate more tend to be healthier, wealthier and wiser, about their own sexuality, and how to integrate sexuality into their relationships?

People who watch porn often do so to understand their own sexual desires better. Many LGBT folks first encounter orientation-consistent material through porn, and view such material as a very healthy part of their sexual learning/identification process. People who watch porn often have more novel, adventurous sex within their monogamous relationship, and tend to be more accepting of sexual diversity.

I think it is noteworthy to remember that Russell spent some time in American sex addiction treatment. This is an industry which idealizes sex for love and intimacy, and often suggests that masturbation and porn are inherently questionable, and are, at best, morally iffy. I think his proclamations here are voicing that internalized guilt and suspicion – masturbation and viewing of porn should always be viewed through a lens of skeptical suspicion.

But, I agree with him – I think people should be more mindful about what they are doing in life. Watching television is also not so very productive, doesn’t connect with the universe, or facilitate relationships or love. Lots of the things we do don’t meet that criteria. But I agree with Russell – we should pay attention to that. For me, watching silly Youtube videos of people pontificating about things they don’t really understand? That definitely qualifies as a waste of time that I’d like to cut out of my life…

Dr. David Ley, Ph.D is a practicing clinical psychologist in Albuquerque, NM, and author of The Myth of Sex Addiction & Insatiable Wives.

Follow Dr. Ley on Twitter @DrDavidLey


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9 years ago

I’m quite sure a 21st Century Taboo Culture is not a sign of human progress.

1 year ago

David ley has no background on nero biolgy,keeps attacking person s whom do.Asam ,icd11 and several studies and therapist whom do,Porn fries the brains dopamine

1 year ago

The problem is masturbation to Internet porn ,asshole ,death grip.Nero science tells its harmfull ,u were told david ley by several,

1 year ago

David ley seriously take your lies elsewhere,its not about shame .Its about mental health and better sex with a person ,not a computer screen .Porn is a super stimlius frying the frontel cortex ,causing mental health and ed in men and withdrawl,social anxiety,you were told by the doc.Chasing the cardboard butterfly and 51 nerosctists and asam with Nero bilogy on how it screwing people up.Delta fos b and dopamine.Its science u ignorant ass.The flatline and lack of morning wood is withdrawl not relgion.The fact you are wrong and not everyone else .Cambridge study ,maxx plank,several thousand s of studied,including dr… Read more »

1 year ago

No one is saying masturbation is bad but masturbation to high speed mutiple porn tabs is.It cause porn induced ed in men and problems with women being turnedon ,like pavlos eog condtioning ,porn is damaging to relationship s and mental health,causes even sucidal thoughts,kills the feel good nero transmitt dopamine .And lethargic zombie like state

1 year ago

David ley shut the fuck up,

1 year ago

How can anyone take him serious,David ley ignoring every study .

1 year ago

Seriously doche bag ,compairing tv and you tube to masturbation to Internet porn ,not the same thing ,werw not anti masturbation were anti high speed internt porn ,because its destroying relationship s and mental health with death grip masturbation destzes the brain and gentiles.Nerobilogy of the brain,u were warned.Dopamine killer .take your lies elsewhere.Dsm5i is crap.Sex addction and porn addction are not myths.U fraud._.U made a complete idiot of yourself on talk shows and doctumenties.Divorces etc .

1 year ago

Clincal psychology is a joke and a useless degree.No background on nerobilogy

1 year ago

Ask terry crews how it nearly destroyed his marriage and others whom have.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tsb

That’s just an excuse for not being faithful. Get a life

1 year ago

David ley would suck at apples 2 apples because he keeps compairing apples 2 oranges,u cant compare television to mast.To pixes on a computer screen or 2 cars or to sneezing ,death grip mast.To high speed internt adult sights ,frying your dopamine system in the pfc ,and delta fos b .Destoying mental health,congtive function and sex drive ,marriages ,loss of morning wood ,focus issues,its like a drug with mutiple withdrawl s.U control your dopamine system with a mouse,Cambridge study ,American science of addction medicine .Ic11,don hilton ,philip zimberdo ,maxx plank,several nero science drs.Including dr william struthers with twenty plus yrs.On… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Tsb

Porn is fine, only weak-minded people allow it to consume them. You seem like someone who is probably terrible in bed..maybe porn makes you feel insecure

1 year ago
Reply to  TRPWL

No porn is not sex postive it effects the brain ,causes depression and porn induced ed and fucks up your life ,destroys mental health etc.Terry crews went to rehab because it nesrly destroyed his marriage,kanye west porn addction ended his marriage,chris rock same,if u go on reditt or porn free there are over one million on recover forms,it screwing women up as well,beggars daughter is a book by Jessica harris,she became addcted at 13 .Porn has withdrawls like pain in groin aka death grip masturbation.Frequently urination,loss of morning wood .The flatline .Back pain ,headached.One guy delevoped ed from masturbation to… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Tsb

You probably didnt have a porn addction ,so you cant debate ,david ley same thing ,dvd and vhs porn is different then high speed internt porn masturbation with a death grip masturbation to several tabs cliin clink clink ,even south park and family guy had a thing about it ,the movie don juan ,fireproff several doc.Etc dsm 5 is not valid .Icd11 and asam have 51 nerosctits and studies on its harms,joe rogan intviwed nikki glaser she got screwed up by it and Couldn’t be arosed by it or climax because she was watching some pretty disburbing material.Listeto her even… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Tsb

Bullshit- Cheating on your wife then blaming porn is a cowards way out

1 year ago
Reply to  TRPWL

Kills boners

1 year ago
Reply to  TRPWL

High speed internt porn with good old death grip harms the brain s prefrontel cortex and the feel good nero.Dopamine,Cambridge study,maxx plank,harvard ,sevral nerosctits,asam ,icd11 ,several doc.Including chasing the cardboard butterfly,once again david ley has zero background on nerobilogy studies,he openly admites on several platforms,its Pavlovian condtioing and has several withdrawls when not using ,hes a clincal ps.Not a sex therapists ,hes a liar and a fraud .Runs marriage s,congtive etc.Causes depression and chemical imbalance of d2 dopamine receptors ,and a chemical or protein called delta fas b ,in the nucleus and hypothalmius areas of the brain .Goes after persons… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Tsb

DUDE! For someone who hates porn and can’t find a GF, you sure do spend a lot of time on a Porn blog. I get it, you lost a girl to someone with a bigger dick and are afraid of eating pussy.. So you blame porn, but come on…If I learned anything from Erika Icon, it’s no matter how gross and disgusting you are, there is always a Swiney out there. Buck up, change your sweats, ask Mom for the car keys and get back out there you rascal

1 year ago
Reply to  TRPWL

Who is erika icon?

10 months ago
Reply to  TRPWL

Seriously shut your fucking mouth

10 months ago
Reply to  TRPWL


1 year ago

The earth is round david ley

1 year ago

People are sucdiel over this u dick

1 year ago

The doc.Brain heart world,Joshua brooime former perfomer also knows the damange,he saw first hand women being abused ,getting stds.Addction to drugs,several of his colleages died ,he said he felt like he Couldn’t be in real relationship s because of theindustry,greg on same doc.Said he felt like a prostitute and needed to be high to do scenes.There is also a doc.About adult male perfomer whom has been black listed because he was hiv .Postive and Didn’t tell anyone and infected a few girls,more proof its damange,he probably lives a lonlenly life because of it ,Fact several become addcted to drugs ,gets… Read more »

1 year ago

Once again david u ignorant fucking child masturbation to onlie porn is the problem ,not masturbation to sestion or imanitation .People with pied cant masturbate or have sex because they become debant on porn ,not human connenction ,

1 year ago
Reply to  TRPWL

Yes unfortunately thats my half brother and its his second offense ,i never did what he did ,or id be right next to him ,

1 year ago

Qustion what does trpwl mean? ,and who are you who is commenting ?Probably nicole or david

11 months ago

This is a scumbag sight thats why you asshole s keep defending porn and are pro porn and denying its harms on mental health ,must think david ley is actually a good person,when the asshole keeps attacking recovery forms and person credibility,including 51 nerobiolgy studies ,twitter,nerosctists with degrees on this topic,Cambridge,brain scans ,icd11 ,asam ,etc.And thinks it doesn’t effect performes either ,porn industry is full of performes whom cant keep relationship s ,die,get std or abuse drugs ,look im not saying it happens to everyone ,but its def.out therewhen u have celebtrys talking how it screwed them up ,it def.puts… Read more »

11 months ago

This guy is a cluless jack ass,he claims he Does not believe in sex addction and wrote a book on the topic and thinks dsm 5 is valid.Icd11 and asam are accurate and he also claims porn is harmless,51 nerobilogy studies,and several Nerosctists disagree .Its not pseudo science or relgion,dopamine and a chemical called fas b .

11 months ago

I wonder if david ley realizes hes the most hated man,and unprofessional man and unprofessional,closes comments on psychological today because things didnt go his way,zero studies support his finding s ,and he cant rebudle ,he keeps lying to people saying hes a sex therapist,he has no background or a csat certification,hes a clinical psy,with Zero background on nerobilogy or neroscience,goes on twitter now x bashing everyone including Celebtrys nerosctists dr s,dr trish,dr.Amen ,norman doidge,William struthers ,asam,icd11,dsm has more holes then alcoholic liver .Bashes reditt ,no fap,exodux cry,ybop,persons in recovery ,rehab centers.Him and that sociopath nicole prause ,both in lawsuits and… Read more »

11 months ago
Reply to  Tsb

have you ever had sex before? Like with a live woman? A woman who has a vagina? One that isn’t handicapped?

11 months ago
Reply to  TRPWL

Yes of course i lost my virginty at 17.Way back in 1989 with my xgf she was 16 and several after her.And im not a man whore ,not anymore,lol to old for that ..I had several relationship s im still in heavy withdrawal.Pavilion condtioning ,..

11 months ago
Reply to  Tsb

Im also waiting for the right person if shes out there,after all thats the adult mature thing to do.My uncle died in 2020 and he was married to his 3rd wife for over 30 plus yrs.And they were soulmates,isnt that what we all deserve?Better health ,love ,soulmates,great sex with your best friend ,not a damn computer screen .Again rehabilitation centers treat sex and porn addction,i was on the phone the other day with a center in utah and the guy himself was a recovery addcted and he quit to save his marriage ,everyone needs to watch brain heart world doc..And… Read more »

11 months ago

Nicole prause lied about how gary wilson died,even for her thats pretty messed up.lying when he was alive and now lying on his death,if gary wilson is apperntly a science fraud like they claimed,then so is Cambridge study maxx planc don hilton conqure series brain scans etc American science of addction medicine nerologyst all over the world,intergrty restored ,ftnd,tera parechek,dr.Struthers,amen clinc ,the rehabilitation centers that treat this.Dsm 5 is crap.If i commited purgy ,or defamation id lose by job or be jailed,how do they get a free pass.Norman doidge,he and prause are the definition of sociopaths,maria gw widow,needs to take… Read more »

11 months ago

Look up the deftion of sociopath ,descibes nicole prause to a t.Lying ,making false and defamting accusations on several persons gw died from complications from lyme disease and stress from attacks,his body couldnt take it.Explains why he looked so frail and thin and pail in the face,singer debbie gibson has lyme disease,thats why she is tin .Nicole prause is telling persons gw died from sucide,more friken lies,but thats just how she is,a scum bag to socitey and mental health ,david ley same .They lied about him and others several times,david claimed gary had no scooling or dergree,u dont become a… Read more »

11 months ago

Gary wilson died in 2021 and People are still attaking him,let the guy rip u sociopathslook up sociopath,Nicole prause fits it to at t,they lie ,she lied about stalking ,she accused don hilton of sexual harrasment more lies,she lied on cause of gary wilson death ,they harras and defame,both traits of david ley and Nicole prause.They attavk because thats how they deal,make false accusations .Both need to be fired ,jailed for purgery or a least have licensed yanked.We the people,jorden peterson is a therapist whom gets the damane just one of many

11 months ago

Im still not healed

11 months ago

No one is attaking masturbation dip shit its the effects of high speed internt porn sights ,causing problems,u were warned by several studies,u unprofessional unethical fucking child.Masturbation to porn not masturbation.Were not anti masturbation were pro education,and pro healthy sex.Not a computer screen .Keep relgion out of it ._its science ,dopamine.Loss of morning wood and pied and withdrawal has 0 to do with relgion.Internet porn is degrading to everyone and mental health .Sue varma warned you,Cambridge study ,maxx plank,several studies,asam ,icd11,dr .Trish ,congetive,medical drs.Thereapists,marriage counslers.Don hilton forget about gary for now because apparently u cant comprhend anything or several studies,philip… Read more »

11 months ago

Another celebtry sucidehm

11 months ago

David ley traing sex therapists is laughable,that would be like Michael vick working for peta,nerobilgy asshole

10 months ago

Why am i still not healed,shouldnt be flatling ,its jan 2024,frequent urination,destized junk,coughin ,throwing up,semen leakage,

Cletus Van Damme
Cletus Van Damme
10 months ago
Reply to  Tsb

Please shut the fuck up.

10 months ago


10 months ago
Reply to  Tsb

Cant even use your real name coward

10 months ago

This is depressing

10 months ago

Make me Bitch

10 months ago

Someone seriously kill this asshole

10 months ago

Just watched something on you tube from 2023 ,David ley addmted to watching and was talking about and promoting cuckholding,and denying again its effects and ed and again saying its relgion not science.Talking to some asian dr .Chick.He said he liked porn from the 1920s etc,obviously he had a problem then and is in major denial. And they talked about miley cyrus and how there were pics of her all over the web ,yeah miley is a great role model.lOl he once again doesn’t understand biology and destized death grip etc,and keeps attacking reaserch from several studies and persons,even mentioned… Read more »

10 months ago

Another porn star death from drugs,keep defending it douch bags jesse jane 43 her and her bf found dead .Porn is evil and this is more proof .Thats why jenna presly left the industry ,people loved to attack the late gw.Whenits been proven by several studies by hundreds of person s,several therapists,nerosctists etc.Asam ,icd11,David probably fondel himself to the dsm 5 and his own books..Unprofessional quack,whom was called out by several.Again u arrogant ass.U have no background on nerobiolgy.Stop???/?U are not a sex therapist..Defamation and purgery is nor professional and he shouldnt have dr.In front of his name .Delta fas… Read more »

10 months ago

Internt porn will kill your abilty to be intmante with a person u fuckin retard .U keep talking masturbation its masturbation to porn u fukin retard .Are u that fucking stupid.That we and all the persons and studies warned you,that we have to reapete ourselves,eric nedtler s one of many .Gary new the science because he taught antonmy and the nero chemical dopamine and a protein called delta fas b ,which everother science and nerobiolgists warned you. Several times.Should we come to your office whip our junk out to prove it ,masturbation to death grip porn sights and spec scans… Read more »

10 months ago

Another porn star death,but its harmless right ?Her and bf found dead

10 months ago

Is porn performers offing themselves a myth ,or drug ods douche bag ,David ley was on dr.Phil in 2012,promating his book myth of sex addction ,like the ass hole he is .He only cares about himself and money ,much like mingeek ,no matter how much damage it causes.Greed,lies and mental health.Etc.He was warned by many ,dr.Phil thinks hes a quack,just like the rest of us .If its cross culture then yes it can be addctive .If your sleeping around and its fucking your life up its addction .Hello charlie sheen hiv because of sex addction.If porn is causing mental health… Read more »

10 months ago

In 2012 this clueless douche bag was on dr.Phil,He was promoting his book myth of sex addction ,which also can be addctive ,

10 months ago

Seriously David ley shut up nerogiolgy and every fucking study and therapists warned you .Icd11 and asam,u are the only person whom thinks its harmless.Withdrawls are horrible.Death grip .Look up delta fas b u defamion lying fuck..

10 months ago

No such as ethical porn asshole

10 months ago
Reply to  Tsb

well thats not true

10 months ago
Reply to  TRPWL

Its true,one guy developed ed from masturbation to swim suit models,with several tabs ,and others to loving couples or wedding videos,its sexual Pavlovian condtioning ,it totally destizes you .Death grip masturbation,u become scabed up down there ,and causes back pain ,and exreme causes Pyrenees disease ,one guy actually had to get surgery for Pyrenees disease.Bascially you can actually fracture your junk ,thats why there are several Withdrawls from quiting .It doesnt matter the content ,its the delivery system.When you have a lap top sitting on your bed and wanking really aggressive it causes major issues ,and nikki glaser told joe… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Tsb

LOL, you have dick scabs?? I’ve never gotten a dick scab..

10 months ago
Reply to  TRPWL

Yep from death grip masturbation.Not funny its terrible .Why do u think people like myself and everyone else is quitting,mike tyson asked terry crews how do get off that ,and told him his junk was scabed up from jerking off and he couldnt fuck or nothing ,actual quote,and like i explained early,one guy devloped ed from masturbation to swim suit models online,debunking that porn can be ethical,its messing women up as well,from vibrator use or fingers etc,like i explained,comic nikki glaser on joe rogan told him she became destized and she was watching girls being fisted etc.And she couldnt be… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  TRPWL

Calling porn ethical is a oxy moron,thats like saying crack or heroin is etchical ,its bad for you either way just like internt porn.and again one guy dellvoped ed from jerking to swimming suit models ,with mutiple tabs per session .Debunking ethical porn .And David keep s ? Every study ,zero stuidy supports his,he was warned by several.Yes you become destized from death grip masturbation etc.Unprofessional attacking persons .The late gw was a antomy teacher,commen sense tells u its harmfull .Go on no fap and David ley is the most hated man ,even promating cuckholding ,very unprofessional,drs.Are supposed to help… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Tsb

Watching porn while banging some chicks isn’t anywhere near the same as doing

10 months ago
Reply to  TRPWL

My point is they are both harmful,and ethical porn is a oxy moron because like i stated one guy developed ed from wanking with death grip masturbation to swimming suit models,its content that causes pied,and have withdrawal s like quitting any addction,he obviously doesnt understand the dreaed flatline lethargy etv.Flatline means your junk shrivils up to nothing and u look like a babys dick down there.He was told by several,DSM 5 is a joke.Asam and icd11 have nerosctits including dr william struthers whom has studied this for twenty plus .Yrs.,David ley has zero background on the nerobiogy of addction,donhiton a… Read more »

10 months ago

Not to sound like a broken record ,but one guy devloped ed from masturbation to swim suit models with several tabs and death griip masturbation,sexual condtioned his arosel to it like pavlos dog

10 months ago

Comparing internt porn to cars and sneezing addtion ,seriously wtf ,what a moron

10 months ago

Does Nicole prause ever tell the truth,friken sociopath,pics of her at avn awards in 2016 and straight up lied about being there,lied about don hilton,the late gw .Defamation suits etc.Both her and David ley are friken sociopath s.Etc.

10 months ago
Reply to  Ldass

Porn is good, Todd is bad

10 months ago
Reply to  TRPWL

Your full of shit ,dollars to donughts this is David ley .All studies support its harmfull.High speed internt porn with death grip masturbation totally kills your boners,causing all kinds of withdrawal s,including depression,lethargy etc.Fucks with pfc and nero transmiiers dopamine and the protein delta fas b in the nucleus and hypthemlios etc.Loss of morning wood ,frequent urination etc.u wanna ruin your marriage or chance of love and healthy sexuality then internt porn will do it ,brain scans also prove it ,and several sex therapists and nerosctists will tell you the same ,don hilton etc.Asam and icd11 ,norman doidge ,etc.William struthers… Read more »

10 months ago

Imagine scrapping you knee slidding on a carpet ,u can do that to your gentles by jerking it to porn online,

10 months ago
Reply to  Anyomous

I get rug burns on my knees when im banging a bitch from the back while watching some great porn

10 months ago
Reply to  TRPWL

You are ajack ass ,smart ass punk.,people are suicdeal because of this.No such thing as great porn ,its fucking peoples lives up.All studies support the damage,Brain heart world doc.Is a good watch .And yes you can damage your gentles from death grip masturbation.Much like scraping your knees like carpet burn .Etc.Ignorant child.Again delta fas b is a molevular switch in the prefrontel cortex and nucleus etc pfc .Dopamine.Brains are being hijacked and .U think you would learn by now,several withdrawls are real.And again person s i in the industry are depressed because of this.Reditt also with person s talking suicde… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  TRPWL

Smart ass

10 months ago

Just looked up the amen cliinc ,on the left was a healthy brain,the right addcted brain the differances were astoning ,if you look up amen clinc ,they treat depression caused by brain trama ,including behavior addction s ,gambling,gaming ,and yes sex and porn addction ,prefrontel cortex.Again something david has zero credibilty in ,yes he attacks bev.Addctions which amen clinc treats,brain trama,food addction ,thet treat all addctions and ocd .Everything ..Quitting attacking david ,and accept the fact that sex and porn impact mental health neroloigacally woops spell check.Red flag on david he promates cam sights,not sure if that effects the brain… Read more »

10 months ago

Performer greg ,making love ,i was a prostitute ,I had sex for money ,Performer joshua broome i filmed over one thousand scene s,and even did gay porn for money ,i felt alone and suicdeal end quote.Actual quote from former adult actor,ive seen 30 of my friends in the industry die from drugs or sucide s another joshua broome quote,jenna presly i was called fat 120 lbs.Became addcted to meth and coke and ectasy ,saw a ex bf killed in front of me ,ive seen producers and directors asking us to do crazy things,we didnt recieve back pay or money from… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Tsb

Stop the cap homie…I get it, you have a rather small penis and are intimidated by porn penises. You should work on your personality, that way someone will overlook your tiny penis…Love is out there for you

10 months ago
Reply to  TRPWL

actually not that its anyone s business but before i got addcted and everything was in working order ,im better then average ,but masturbation to porn online causes ed ,david and whom ever keeps commenting on here are mean and obviously cant comprhend the science,the depression and severe withdrawls..And how it effects mental health and the brains prefrontel cortex and causes lethargy etc. And kills the dopamine system ,and destroys relationships,several nero stists,therapists,med drs.Will say the same ,and persons in the indusrty as well.The doc.Brain heart world is a good watch on how its screwing men and womens mental healty… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Tsb

Porn is good, you’re bad

10 months ago
Reply to  TRPWL

your a fucking idiot,all studies prove otherwise.Are u familliar with the withdrawls i keep saying ,like semen in urine,headache s,lethargy,loss of morning wood,flatline,back pain,sociol isolation ,frequent urination ,etc.Go suck scum bag ,one armed asshole david ley s lying asshole .Internet porn destroys relationships and mental health ,go intrview teery crews on this topic ,or kanye,or chris rock,or any one with a damn iq above 100,any nerosctists,including the Cambridge study ,asam with 51 nero studies ,etc.Go on reditt or no fap, etc these forms arent around for nothing ,miillions are right not u or asshole ley ,no such thing as ethical… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Tsb

Todd bad, naked women having sex good, Todd crazy, porn good

10 months ago
Reply to  TRPWL

Asshole,do u have kids ?,by them a computer ,let them watch porn on computer with several tabs masturbate with good old death grip.Then when they become sucideal and withdrawn and develop porn induced ed from porn addction ,frying there brains dopamine and going through withdrawal s ,u Obvioulsly cant comprehen anything u ignorant fucking child ,yes sex is good ,porn isnt healthy period,every friken study has proven douche bags like david scum bag ley wrong ,again intrview any nerosctists or any one with a iq more then a shoe size ,They will tell u the same ,ed meds advertisement s… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Tsb

Tood shoot up school, Todd bad, Todd say mean things, Porn dont

10 months ago
Reply to  TRPWL

Moron,speak friken english ,im not saying anything mean ,im just speakin the truth ,david ley is a punk ass,and if he thinks its harmless he should lets his kids masturbate to Internet porn and see forhimsel the harms and how depressed they become,his daughters teacher warned him ,porn is not healthy and its destroying relationship s and mental well being.Sexual compoltion disorder is in the icd11 and American science of addction medicne ,with over 51 nerolgical studies,and several nerosctits whom have stuidied this for twenty plus yrs.He was warned by several,look up delta fos b ,and dopamine nerotransmitters being depleted,with… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Tsb

David Ley, great American, Todd bad

10 months ago
Reply to  TRPWL

David ley is unprofessional porn damages the brain ,hes not a good person ,and speak enlglish ,anea lembeke is a psytrist with a book called dopamine nation .On how internt porn causes depression,effects mental health ,and apperantly you cant comprehen Nerbiolgy,51 studies support the harms .-zero studies support his.He was told by several.And if u consdier a good person attacking recover forms and studies,then you are bigger jerk then he is.I just gave u the horrible withdrawls .Again dip shit no such thing as ethical internt porn ,consdering one guy developed pied from death grip masturbation to swimming suit models,and… Read more »

10 months ago
Reply to  Tsb

For anyone whom thinks this is harmless,let your kids watch and master bate with it and then see ,if u do your morons

10 months ago
Reply to  TRPWL

Lying socipoaths are not good people.

10 months ago
Reply to  Anymouse

Todd Lying socipoath, TRPWl Great man

10 months ago

You have no background on herobilogy ,and have zEro csat traing ,quit lying

10 months ago

50 Nerbiolgy studies support the harms -zero studies support his

10 months ago

Tarek pacha ,u control your dopamine with each click u get a build up delta fas b in the prefrontel cortex ,hypofrontality ,,all studies support the harms,zero support s ley ,etc.Lack of motavation,low abtion ,focus issues .Told by several

10 months ago

If u can get a boner from porn ,but not to a person ,you dont have high libido,this so called dr.Whom keeps lying and attacking ,was told by several,millions are suffering ,his anolgies are down right dangerous.,keeps trying to sell and promate his books.Unprofessional,and unethical,dr.Gary brooks has studied this for well over a decade,American science of addction medcice and icd11 are the real experts not him..And person s with pied cant masturbate without porn ,and it rules out anxiety because no one is nervous with there hand.One gentleman developed ed from masturbation with death grip to girls in bikins with… Read more »

10 months ago

David ley and nicole prause are the debil ,satan in the flesh

10 months ago
Reply to  Fydl

No Todd, you’re the devil

9 months ago
Reply to  TRPWL

What ever David,I know this is you ,every study is right your wrong unprofessional bag of slim several Nerosctists have studied this for decades,and brain spec scans proved it -u have Zero background on nerobilgy .Take your lies elswhere ,millions on recover forms arent wrong ,porn on a computer screen ,with death grip masturbation fries the d2 dopamine in the pfc and hypothamlius nucleus and triggers delta fos b protein ,when u have American science of addction medicine,and ic d11 telling u and every friken study ive mentioned ,and persons on reditt and other platforms ,pavilion condtioing,top Nerosctists all over… Read more »

9 months ago
Reply to  Fydl

David is Legend, he should an elected office so he can change the world..But you Todd, you need to buy a Porn Pros membership and hire you an escort..

9 months ago

make love not porn

9 months ago
Reply to  Fydl

Just watched a doc.On a guy whom was blacklisted ,He tested postive for hiv,he didnt tell anyone and gave several girls hiv,more proof ,maybe person s Shouldn’t be playing Russian roulette and wear rubbers,just a thought

9 months ago
Reply to  Say

For someone who hates porn, and doesn’t know any porn performers, you sure do spend a lot of time worrying about

9 months ago
Reply to  TRPWL

36 yr old porn star suicde kagny lyyn kater ,second girl in less then a month ,but its harmless right?Facts are facts,its obviously destroying mental well being in tjhis so called great professionyou dont heed a phd to figure that out just look at the studies ,and once again some stuck to ameture videos,with good old death grip masturbation and it screwed them up.lie i mentioned several times one guy devloped ed from jerkin to swimming suit models ,so called ethical porn .All you got to do is type porn addction and suicde on several forms including reditt .And see… Read more »

9 months ago
Reply to  Sam

I find it hilarious that you say it’s porn that led to KLKs death. Especially since, one, her struggles with mental health can be traced back to before porn, and 2, she clearly had adjusted to life outside of porn. But you’re a small dicked loser who can’t keep an erection and blames porn instead of his family

9 months ago
Reply to  TRPWL

Several porn stars have died by drugs and or sucides dip shit because its causing mental health issues,jenna presly left the industry because it neraly destroyed her mental health and she got stds first yr in .And the doctumentry Brain heart world explains the harms of internt porn and even a perfomer by josua broome whom felt sucideal and left the industry and is now happily married .A guy named greg perfomer same ,Ever study supports its harmful,zero supports david s,and again terry crews saught treatment because it neraly destroyed his marriage,Brain scans also show its harmful.Dopamine and delta fas… Read more »

9 months ago
Reply to  Sam

Several cops, fireman, postal employees, bankers, Uber divers, teachers, truck drivers have also died by suicide you fuckkng retard. Does anyone love you

9 months ago
Reply to  TRPWL

Seriously go fuck yourself ,several porn stars have died by drugs and or sucides dip shit because its causing mental health issues.You obviously cant comprehen anything .Look at the stats of how many cant keep relationship s or anything because its causing mental health and how many get hooked on drugs etcin 1991 jerry van dykes daughter was 37 and to fund her alchal and drug addction ,she did porn and her husband left her ,she died by sucide ,and again type porn addction and sucide especially on reditt .

9 months ago

Ill never understand why persons keep praising a guy whom has been harrasing porn Recovery forms And Nerosctists.

9 months ago

Another prn star death from sucide 36 yrs old kagny lynn karter,but its harmless right.Its messing perfomer s mental well being obviously .2nd one in less then two months. - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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