Mike South In Bed With AHF and Michael Weinstein ?

Apr 21, 2015
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As per the norm, blogger Mike South wasted no time in reporting what he thinks is another win for AHF and Cal/OSHA…


In January, Evil Angel owner John Stagliano was handed a huge victory at his company’s Cal/OSHA trial in West Covina, when the agency dropped all counts regarding the lack of condom use and the exchange of “potentially infectious materials” via bodily fluids.

One non-production related count from 2014 remained regarding the warehouse at Evil Angel (an alleged deficiency in EA’s Accident Prevention Program). The decision on that count was issued in March.

But what’s really interesting about South’s post is the link he used for Cal/OSHA. If you click on the link, it goes not to Cal/OSHA, but to AHF’s password-protected site:



In bed with AHF?

I’m sure there is a logical explanation as to why Mike South is linking to AHF’s password protected site. I’m pretty sure Mike South didn’t log into AHF, get the news he was looking for, then copy the link from the search bar not realizing his reader would have to have a password like him to follow the link. I’m certain that someone as pro-porn as Mike South would never ever be given access to AHF’s website or receive an email directly from AHF that gloated about a ruling against a porn company…

Just in case the link gets fixed, look at the hover at bottom left:


Now when I went to the real Cal/OSHA site, I wasn’t able to locate this news on EA and John Stagliano, almost as if it hadn’t been posted publicly yet. In fact I was just told it would take 30-35 days until it was even final. Not to mention the fine is being appealed as of today…..

Let’s pretend there’s a perfectly legitimate reason for South having an AHF password. Mike South treats links like bars of gold, rarely embedding clickable links in his posts. Some of the very few people who have gotten links are AHF, Cal/OSHA, Monica Foster, and Shelley Lubben.  Go figure.


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9 years ago

I 95% Reckon that more IQ points are shot across the face of a Cousin Fucker Bukkake victim than reside in South’s head.

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