The SDR Show, hosted by comedian Big Jay Oakerson and radio personality Ralph Sutton, welcomed Madison Leigh to their studio this past week. The brand-new MILF performer from New Jersey, formerly known as Samantha Leigh, enjoyed her time on the show with the two hosts.
“A super sweet, fun chick, and MILF, Madison Leigh came by the studio this week; this was an interesting episode, as a friend of mine came to hang out in the studio again,” says Sutton. “Last week, the show led to a box-eating contest; this week, Big Jay’s girlfriend Christine sees a male model hog. Which goes to prove my theory: you never know what kind of genitalia you are going to see on an SDR show. Madison Leigh took everything in stride, and was a super cool guest.”
To hear the full Madison Leigh interview, visit Madison Leigh may be followed on Twitter at
You can follow The SDR Show on Twitter at, Big Jay Oakerson at, and Ralph Sutton at
About The SDR Show:
The SDR Show (short for Sex, Drugs and Rock-N-Roll) delivers everything its name implies: featuring candid interviews with some of the world’s most interesting characters, from Top 10 Billboard artists such as Living Colour and Tesla to internationally acclaimed porn stars like Lisa Ann and Jade Vixen, the show is hosted by rock radio personality Ralph Sutton and comedian Big Jay Oakerson. From superstar DJs to world-renowned authors, comedians and celebrities, podcasting has become a mainstay in today’s entertainment industry, and in such a saturated digital market, creating a show that makes the charts and catches attention from the onset is almost unheard of. Combining three of America’s hottest topics, The SDR Show has picked up a momentum that usually requires months of heavy promotion, making a name for itself by going where few dare to tread – completely uncensored and thoroughly satisfying. For more information, visit