Davina Davis’s long lost sister is back spitting knowledge like Furious Styles in Boys In the Hood..
Bella tweeted she agreed with this Kanye’s statement that “400 years of slavery was a choice black people made”
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So what’s the problem? Bella stayed a few undeniable facts. Slavery was ended in this country 155 years ago. True, many despicable things happened after that but there is no other country that has done as much as The United States to atone for the past. This is another “wedge issue” used by “progressives” and “Social Justice Warriors “ to further divide our country. Keep in mind. If “The Race Issue” is solved, hucksters the likes of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and other poverty pimps are out of business.
This female dog is trolling for attention, since she’s not at all relevant. As for the poster above, well let’s just say that a mind is a terrible thing to waste.