As adult performers, business owners, and advocates gather at the State Capitol in Sacramento this morning, TRPWL will amend this post with the latest updates.
Leading up to today’s hearing, more than 500 adult performers signed a petition to stop AB 1576 because they understand that this “safety measure” in fact makes them less safe, Assembly room 4202 is a larger room than the last hearing. It’s presently 1/2 full. Approximately people on the anti-AB 1576 side so far. So far, AHF speakers present who will voice support for AB 1576 include Rod Daily and Cameron Bay. Committee is thus far one shy of a quorum, so it is proceeding as a subcommittee… Appropriations Committee now moving through other business The Committee now has a quorum
Hall also that the industry will not flee Nevada. And once again he conflates sex work (i.e. prostitution) in Nevada with performing in adult films. This argument was entirely debunked by Nevada attorney Marc Randazza at the previous hearing, The first witness is AHF lobbyist Rand Martin: Says AHF has successfully saved the state money for years — this from an organization that has exposed the state and LA County to numerous lawsuits and has been charged with overbilling!
Cameron Bay “the adult industry exposed me to bloodborne pathogens…and now I am HIV positive.” Ummm.. You left a few facts out there, Cameron. Such as the fact that you were in an off-set sexual relationship with a Rod Daily, who has also tested positive for HIV. or how about the fact that NONE of your scene partners is HIV-positive? You might as well have said, “elementary school exposed me to school lunches…and now I am HIV positive.”
Rod Daily: supports the bill because he never got an STD in porn due to wearing condoms. Never mentions he is HIV-positive, or that he was Bay’s boyfriend when she contracted HIV
Jessie Rogers appears. Speaks of her on-set injury which would not have been prevented by condoms. Attorney Karen Tynan opposing AB 1576 — speaks on Hall’s inaccurate conflation of sex work in Nevada (i.e. prostitution) and performance in an adult films, which is completely legal in Nevada and NOT subject to mandatory condoms in brothels laws. Tynan points out that the forced consent re: waivers of medical privacy is not actual consent and flies in the face of Californis law
Lorelei Lee addresses the petition against AB 1576 that has been signed by over 500 performers. She sets the record straight, noting that Bay and Daily contracted HIV in their private lives and NOT on set. Lee points out that performance on set is not the same as real life sex, and condom rash can create GREATER susceptibility to STIs. Isadore Hall rolled his eyes when Lorelei Lee talked about recreational sex versus occupational se. Rolled his eyes and laughed.
Stuart Waldman of VICA speaks to the economic costs to crews, staff and small businesses in the San Fernando Valley
Diane Duke: LA County reports 5 new cases of HIV per day, but we have not had an on set infection in over ten years Duke notes that the Measure B litigation is not completed, and that the cost to LA County in terms of lost permit fees has been $450,000 Next, she explains how the PASS system works, and how it protects performer privacy. An attorney notes that this is a paternalistic bill and that performers were not given an opportunity to provide input on a bill that directly affects, and purports to help, them.
Amber Chase says that porn is not sex ed; perhaps a disclaimer at the start of a film would be less restrictive of rights. Devastating the tax base wil harm HIV prevention efforts. If this bill passes the only real beneficiary will be U-Haul.
Mo Reese speaks to the unfair burden to the little guy: performers who create their own content
Isadore Hall now on the hot seat: how will this bill survive a court challenge re: medical privacy. Since Hall’s a moron, AHF’s lobbyist answers for him.
Assemblymember Tim Donnelly isn’t satisfied with his answer Now Cameron Bay thinks she’s an employment law expert — speaks on the issue of employer vs independent contractor
Assemblymember Bigelow tries to help out the moronic Isadore Hall Assemblymember Quirk, like Donnelly, isn’t buying what Hall and AHF are selling
Assemblymember Bradford has questions re: enforcement. Cal/OSHA is understaffed as it is, he notes.
Democrat Assemblymember Shirley Weber will support the bill
Assemblymember Mike Gatto questions AHF lobbyist Rand Hall Gatto asks whether the bill would be a good candidate for suspense due to a potential increase in Cal/OSHA duets, AHF’s Rand Martin laughs it off. AHF denies that employers would have access to performers’ medical information. Gattop raises the issue of all the money that AHF — a nonprofit — spent on political campaigns against the adult business.
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