As the founder and CEO of MakeLoveNotPorn (MLNP), Cindy Gallop is ushering in a new type of intimacy for couples that want to share their private moments and those that want to watch.
MLNP is a crowd sourced porn site where anyone can submit an intimate video and share it with the world.
The site evolved into a global phenomenon without Gallop actually doing anything at all. Initially, the site which started out as received high traffic from all over the world including China, India, Pakistan, and Indonesia.
MLNP launched as a business in 2009 as after a TED talk Gallop conducted. After extrodinary response from the .com, was born.
MLNP places emphasis on real life intimacy, the funny, messy, and awkward parts that the average porn studio would never show.
Twitter, Facebook, and other social networks focus on connecting people and furthering social interactions but Gallop wants to enable people to talk about sex in the same way.
“Why not take every dynamic that exists out there with social media currently, and apply them to the one area that no other social media platform has ever gone, or is ever going to go, which is sex,” she said.