Feminist Rape Porn: Columbia’s Mattress Girl Has Made An ‘Artistic’ Sex Tape

Jun 5, 2015
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New genre, ‘feminist rape porn’, established

Emma Sulkowicz, the Columbia graduate famous across the country as “Mattress Girl” after she hauled a mattress around campus for a year to protest the school’s handling of her alleged rape, has released a sex tape recreating her alleged rape.


Titled Ceci N’est Pas Un Viol (‘This Is Not A Rape’), the video shows two people, one of whom appears to be Sulkowicz, entering a dorm room and proceeding to have sex from four different camera angles. Timestamps in the upper corner of each camera are used to make the video appear dated to August 27, 2012, the date Sulkowicz claims she was raped by fellow student Paul Nungesser. Over the course of the video, Sulkowicz’s partner becomes violent and begins to hit her, essentially recreating the experience Sulkowicz claims she underwent at the hands of Nungesser.

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The video’s release comes just two weeks after Sulkowicz graduated from Columbia, drawing renewed attention after she completed her project by carrying her mattress on-stage despite the protests of Columbia administrators.

While the video is more or less pornographic in nature, Sulkowicz claims that it is a work of performance art similar to her mattress-carrying effort. The website the video is on includes a preface of Sulkowicz’s artistic intent, reproduced in full below:

Trigger Warning: The following text contains allusions to rape. Everything that takes place in the following video is consensual but may resemble rape. It is not a reenactment but may seem like one. If at any point you are triggered or upset, please proceed with caution and/or exit this website. However, I do not mean to be prescriptive, for many people find pleasure in feeling upset.

Ceci N’est Pas Un Viol is not about one night in August, 2012. It’s about your decisions, starting now. It’s only a reenactment if you disregard my words. It’s about you, not him.

Do not watch this video if your motives would upset me, my desires are unclear to you, or my nuances are indecipherable.

You might be wondering why I’ve made myself this vulnerable. Look—I want to change the world, and that begins with you, seeing yourself. If you watch this video without my consent, then I hope you reflect on your reasons for objectifying me and participating in my rape, for, in that case, you were the one who couldn’t resist the urge to make Ceci N’est Pas Un Violabout what you wanted to make it about: rape.

Please, don’t participate in my rape. Watch kindly.

A special thank you to everyone who made Ceci N’est Pas Un Viol possible, especially my actor (*********), my director (Ted Lawson), and those I love who have guided and supported me.

Feminist Rape Porn: Columbia’s Mattress Girl Has Made An 'Artistic' Sex Tape

Will this move lead to Sulkowicz, whose credibility has been called into serious question, losing her “listen and believe” base? This comment from Jezebel may be a sign of things to come”



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9 years ago

And another “sex-tape celebrity” in the making… This one even a dubious victim!!! I guess the only things I’m curious about is where are the rubber gloves and goggles?! Is this OSHA approved!?

Apparently her art is suppsoed to be seen as more legitmate than others…

Deep Throat
Deep Throat
9 years ago
Reply to  Voltaire

My guess is that this move constitutes her way of attempting to validate her claim of rape; to wit, if she weren’t scarred by trauma would she be making a video in which she re-victimizes herself? It’s fascinating.

9 years ago
Reply to  Deep Throat

Don’t forget, her playful post-coitus Facebook and text messages (offering to bring girls to his dorm included) were merely further proof that she had been raped…

What a fraud…

Deep Throat
Deep Throat
9 years ago
Reply to  Voltaire

Cases rarely come down to a single piece of evidence, so I’m not prepared to dismiss her claims out of hand simply based on the texts and DMs, but in light of everything else that has come to light I find that they fit a pattern of extreme disingenuousness at the very least.

9 years ago
Reply to  Deep Throat

Cathy Young has done a excellent job covering the “mattress case” on a variety of different forums from a truly neutral viewpoint (at least started that way)… There is too much to take Sulkowicz as truth out of hand. There isn’t just one piece of evidence that points to her being a fraud.

Deep Throat
Deep Throat
9 years ago
Reply to  Voltaire

That’s my point — no one piece of evidence is dispositive, but taken as a whole it’s damning.

9 years ago

She is quite mediocre looking. I would only be interested if she did anal. That goes for both her porno and real life fuckin.

9 years ago
Reply to  crunkleschwitz

Gotta admit though, there’s something sexy about fake blue hair.

9 years ago
Reply to  Voltaire

Nah. Blue Iris ruined blue wigs for me.

9 years ago
Reply to  crunkleschwitz

Hmm… I am unfamiliar with Blue Iris. Tried googling but only got software.

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