Man claims he ‘accidentally’ had sex with his wife’s identical twin sister

May 20, 2015
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A man has claimed that he accidentally had sex with his wife’s identical twin sister in the dark – and only realized when he reached round to feel her boobs afterward.

Then his wife walked in.

All a bit awkward.

Man claims he 'accidentally' had sex with his wife’s identical twin sister

We should point out that this comes from a Reddit post where all the names have been changed, and which reads suspiciously like it came from a pornographic magazine, so pinch of salt is advised.

The poster, going under the moniker Not Thesis, claims that the trio were on holiday in Las Vegas, got drunk, then he found himself in bed with a woman he thought was his wife.

They made brief, but passionate, love before he reached round and found a big pair of plastic honkers – and realised it was his wife’s sister, ‘Jody’.

Not Thesis writes, ‘Even though they are twins, I absolutely have no interest in her. Jody is more of a “party girl”,selfish and vain (She has plastic boobs). My wife is sweet, all natural, kind and selfless.

‘By this time it was 2am and we start to stumble our way up to our room. We were pretty hammered. Next thing you know, i’m face down on the bed out cold.

‘We cuddle and I start to fondle her boobs. I notice they were quite firm and almost balloon like. In my drunken state, I immediately froze. I realized I just fucked my wife’s sister…

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