Mercedes Carrera Issues Statement About ‘False Allegations’

This evening XBIZ.com posted a statement, purportedly from Mercedes Carrera in regards to her arrest for sexual assault

Last week, my husband and I was arrested on charges of molesting my 9 year old daughter, the absolute worst crime I can imagine. The charges were filed by her father, my ex-partner (a fundamentalist Christian). He is trying to take custody of our child from me. The charges are absolutely false and horrifying, and a last ditch effort to keep me from contact with my daughter for the rest of my life. I am so worried for her. Her life is shattered. Life will never be the same for any of us. We are struggling to make sense of this nightmare. This is a no bail offense, so we are stuck in jail until we are cleared. We are facing decades in prison and do not even have money for a lawyer. We do not know what to do, but I ask that you all know me for who I am, and know that neither I nor my husband would ever, ever do anything like this to any child, let alone my beloved daughter.


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  • So every porn whore who has done a taboo scene doesn't deserve sympathy? Even if it's being falsely accused of raping their own daughter? What kinda fucked up logic is that. Lol. If everyone turned down roles for incest porn they literally would be working half the time. Just playing a role. Society works on supply and demand. If people weren't watching it, people wouldn't be making it. You might as well stop watching porn all together because it's only getting more and more popular.

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