People Are Using PlayStation 4 For Sex

Nov 27, 2013
Sex Tech
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If you build it, they will use it for sex.

The PlayStation 4, Sony’s new gaming console, has a camera that can be used to record gamers while they play. But after only two weeks on sale, the PS4 is already being used to broadcast sex sessions with the virtual-reality game “The Playroom,” which lets gamers share feeds of their living rooms through a video platform called Twitch.

“People streaming ‘The Playroom’ are getting banned,” Reddit user beethy wrote. “A few minutes ago there was a guy having sex with his partner on the couch.”

Unfortunately, it doesn’t end there.

Over the weekend, a man who goes by Darckobra used “The Playroom” to share a feed of him drinking with his wife, according to the game site Game Revolution. When she passed out, the man undressed her for the whole world to see. This horrifying act, which Slate rightfully calls sexual abuse, got Darckobra’s Twitch account banned.


The video platform is cracking down on “non-gaming content” in “The Playroom,” according to its Twitter account.

FYI: We continue to moderate according to our Terms of Service. Non-gaming content is not allowed. 1/2
— Twitch Support (@TwitchTVSupport) November 24, 2013

Non-gaming content (c): If using PS4 Playroom, the content must be about games or gaming and within our ToS. Thanks for understanding. 2/2

— Twitch Support (@TwitchTVSupport) November 24, 2013

When people aren’t creating their own sexual content, they may soon be watching porn on their gaming systems. Pornhub told International Digital Times that it is working on a way for the site to be integrated into the new PlayStation. The porn site is already optimized for the PS4’s main rival, Microsoft’s Xbox One, according to the site’s Twitter:

Fapbox One! Pornhub is the first adult site to support the Xbox One console.

— Pornhub Katie (@Pornhub) November 23, 2013

But it doesn’t seem like Microsoft wants to play along. According to this video from Buzzfeed’s Joseph Bernstein, even when you turn off all parental settings, Xbox One’s voice controls will not recognize the names of porn sites.


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