Porn Star Teacher Julia Pink Fired by Christian School; Will Appeal Ruling Dismissing Case Against Church

German porn star Julia Pink’s alternate career was discovered when she won an award at the Venus Fair, and church leaders decided to sack her from her job as teacher and supervisor of adults with disabilities.

A porn star teacher who lost her job after the religious school she worked at discovered her ‘extracurricular’ activities is appealing the ruling and claims she can still promote Christian values.

The woman, known in the porn trade as Julia Pink, worked for 17 years with the Diakonia Germany Evangelical Federal Association in Munich.

A Church spokesman said, “Despite her long years of service we feel that her other work is incompatible with our message.”


Miss Pink, 38, taught children and supervised adults with learning disabilities but she also moonlighted as a hardcore porn actress and was discovered after winning the ‘Venus Shooting Star’ award at [Germany’s] Venus porn fair.

She was sacked without notice after church leaders became aware of her erotic films and decided she was not suitable.

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