Reddit User Seeks Schoolmate’s Porn ‘Doppelbangher;’ Real Girl Apparently Finds Out, Responds

Feb 12, 2013
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A Reddit user who posted in the social news site’s “Doppelbangher” forum found himself the laughing stock of a NSFW corner of the Internet when his “crush” apparently found out he had been soliciting porn star lookalike photos.

The original request was posted on Feb. 9. The Redditor, who has since deleted his profile, posted a perfectly safe-for-work picture of a “friend” from high school and asked users to submit photos of pornography featuring women who resemble the girl in the original photo.

Boasting more than 8,000 subscribers, Reddit’s “Doppelbangher” subreddit is designed to help people “Find a pornstar look-alike based on the image you post.” The forum’s description also warns, “If you are going to post a Facebook pic make sure the girl in the picture can’t be traced back.”

Apparently, this time, the picture was traced back, reports Gawker.
Posting from newly opened Reddit account u/wtfisthisbull, another user — presumably the girl from the original photo — posted a pretty great response to the search for the porn doppelgänger. Wtfisthisbull wrote that the picture “looks pretty identical to this girl! ;),” and embedded picture of a girl — who bears a resemblance to the girl from the original photo — holding up a sign that reads, “You’re disgusting.”


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