Study: Teens With Lesbian Mothers Do Better In School, Happier In Life

Nov 5, 2012
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LOS ANGELES (CBS Las Vegas) – Teens living in homes with lesbian mothers are proving to be more successful in school and generally happier in life.

A new study has found that 17-year-olds with lesbian mothers had high school GPAs ranging between A-minus to B-plus, while having strong family bonds with their mothers, whom the teens consider good role models. The Williams Institute at UCLA, which conducted “Adolescents with Lesbian Mothers Describe Their Own Lives,” tracked 78 adolescents over a 26-year period.

“These kids were planned and their lesbian mothers were very engaged in parenting,” said Nanette Gartrell, principal investigator of the study for the Williams Institute. “At the end of high school, the teens tell us that they have excellent grades, feel connected to their families and friends, and admire their parents.”

She added: “As a psychiatrist, I can say that these are the types of child-rearing outcomes that every parent hopes for.”

The research, which appears in the Journal of Homosexuality, indicated that these teens had very close friends that they felt comfortable informing about their lesbian parents. “They teach me to be accepting of all people on this earth, no matter what differences they may have,” wrote one of 38 adolescent boys tracked in the study.


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Fake Mike South
Fake Mike South
12 years ago

I was home schooled by my momma and a woman I called new momma. I now understand that they were lesbians. I didn’t do well in school or life. You’re a fool. How bout yall?

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
12 years ago

No, Mike, “New Momma” was just your uncle Jefferson Davis “Jed” South, after he got kicked in the nuts by a mule. That ain’t a real bona fide woman.

Fake Mike South
Fake Mike South
12 years ago

I’m as stunned as a mule with a mouth full of bumblebees. Is inbreeding why I’m so fragile?

Michael Whiteacre
Michael Whiteacre
12 years ago

I reckon so — that would explain why you broke in half when a stripper ran into you.

Fake Mike South
Fake Mike South
12 years ago

Thank you for the explanation MW. I don’t get the chance to talk to anyone who went past middle school often. Fake Gene Ross introduced me to the Grand Vizier but I can’t understand that gobblygook of a language. I tell him to speak American and he just paces around like a horse trapped in a barn that’s on fire.

I keep meaning to sue M. Night Shyamalan for basing Mr. Glass on me. Think of the payday I could get. I’d be sure to have consensual sex then. - Buy & Sell Adult Traffic
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