TRPWL Gamer Girls: Ashlee Graham Does Assassin’s Creed Unity

Here Ashlee Graham reviews Assassin’s Creed Unity for the Playstation 4.

Almost all of us have played a version of Assassin’s Creed at some point or other. Most of us are familiar with the game play; you start as an assassin during the revolution of France in 1789. After playing the previous installment “Black Flag”, I was more than excited to give this one a shot. What could go wrong?

The story begins with the player being Arno as a child. You quickly beat the first installment and move on to him being an adult. It segues into him becoming an adult after he is adopted by the Temple Grand Master when his father is murdered.The entire game takes place in France. You go through memories in what they call the Helix where they send you back in time to play this assassin’s memories. Arno become imprisoned when he is suspected of murder and is later released after being turned by Elise. It is at this point that the Brotherhood invites him to join their group and take down the Templars. It’s not until later on, he confesses he still loves Elise. It’s after he kills Bellec for refusing to join him in the Brotherhood. Arno later chooses to protect Elise rather than kill Germain at an execution. Once this happens, he is exiled from the Brotherhood and falls into a drunken hole. Elise eventually finds him and pulls him out of this hole and brings him back to Paris to discredit the Grand Master of the Templars. Elise kills Robespierre and they are given the location of Germain. Arno finds him and learns he now has the Sword of Eden. Arno is hit by the Sword and becomes trapped, so Elise tries take on Germain alone. There is no use though. Eventually Arno gets out, but it’s too late and Germain is mortally wounded by the Sword and Elise is killed. It closes with Arno vowing to watch over Paris in Elise’s memory and he becomes a Master Assassin.

The thing I found best about this game was the over all control. While most Assassin’s Creed allow you a lot of room for movement and control, this one outdoes them all. You have virtually full control over every movement from running to walking to climbing to fighting. This made the game amazing for me. I love being able to have as much easy and fluid and open control over a game. The main issue was the bugs. There were so many bugs that I would get super frustrated. I would go to jump and for some reason my character would attack. It would also just freeze or suddenly allow myself or the game characters to walk through items. This made it very difficult to sneak around. It made almost impossible to get through some parts because there was no rhyme or reason for the glitches. I can remember screaming at the game and setting the controller down and changing to a new game for a week or so. If you can’t move correctly and such things, it can put a real damper on the game.

Other than that, it was a great game. It definitely followed in the Renaissance or French Revolution type guide, one is used to. There was also some history to be learned, which I truly enjoyed. The graphics were beautiful. The developers really do a good job at getting the vibe and history correct. They also fashion the characters and outfits and landscapes almost flawlessly. As someone who studied this time period with great enthusiasm, I really appreciate that they did that. It’s truly an amazing feat.

All in all, I’d give this game a 3 out of 5. The low rating based mainly on the glitches that I had to deal with. No gamer likes to get frustrated with glitches that should have been taken out. It makes it seem like the game was rushed to be released. Other than that, the story, graphics, and movement were amazing. I don’t know if I’d play it again, but it did follow in lovely fashion with the other Assassin’s Creed games.


Thanks Ashlee!

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