A Las Vegas Escort’s Thoughts on Sydney Leathers

Meet H., a 28-year-old independent Las Vegas escort who thinks Sydney Leathers should reconsider her business model — and that the rest of us should stop attacking her for blabbing while she figures out her next move.

I didn’t realize I was so pro-Sydney Leathers until I spent a substantive amount of time defending her to my coworkers yesterday. Sure, the 23-year-old aspiring paralegal is an unabashed famewhore who’d rather model lingerie and dole out sexting tips than stay quiet for the sake of Anthony Weiner’s family. But why shouldn’t she capitalize on her newfound notoriety? I don’t care if she’s “confused” or exploitative; she’s not the one running for public office on a “reformed family man” platform. Her transparency is pretty gauche, but it’s also refreshing. Anthony Weiner got a second chance to remake his career because his previous sexting partners laid low, but thanks to Leathers’ refusal to hush up, the champion dolt won’t get a third — she’s tweaking the traditional political sex scandal narrative.

“Maybe Leathers is a ‘famewhore’ in that she caught a buzz when she realized Weiner was into her but that doesn’t make her a bad person — just a typical one,” H. wrote to me in an email interview. “If she wants to ride this 15 minutes into the ground, that’s her prerogative. I love that she didn’t come across as ashamed or defensive at all in her piece, which is typically how women are supposed to react when the details of their sex lives are made public. She didn’t assign blame or whine that she was being taken advantage of…she’s simply sharing her story about what happened with a liberal dose of humor and taking care to remind us that if it hadn’t been her it definitely would’ve been someone else. Weiner never paid her for her silence (like you would with a professional) so she’s under absolutely no obligation whatsoever to keep her mouth shut.”

H. wrote that she hates how “men are allowed to write off their indiscretions as a byproduct of their animalistic nature, like they simply couldn’t control themselves when confronted by these all-powerful jezebels with magic pussies who tricked them into getting their dicks sucked,” while women like Leathers are depicted as amoral creatures who “should’ve considered how their actions affected the man’s wife/children/family.”

I think

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  • Why shouldn't Ms. Winters be allowed to exploit her 15 minutes of fame to get paid as well as show off her love of sex?? It's not as if she went and sought out Weiner to blackmail him for his dick pix fetish.

    I find it fascinating how powerful men who get caught with their junk out are the first to blame the women for their (the men's) own insecurities and sexual foibles.

    And, the fact that she doesn't tear herself to ribbons for allegedly being such a total slut and bringing down a powerful political figure? That's a bonus point for her. It's past time that overtly sexual women stop apologizing for who they are and start defending themselves. Her body, her choice, none of anybody else's business...as long as it is legal and consensual.

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