A Warning About TJ Cummings UPDATED

TJ Cummings aka Nick Di Ruscio is at it again. He has been hitting up performers to have sex with him, both for shoots and just for fun. One story he gives is that his HIV+ diagnosis from December 2013 was a false positive.

The more ridiculous story is that he got a treatment that reverses HIV if caught within a few months of diagnosis. Unfortunately for TJ,  it’s too bad that procedure doesn’t exist.

One of the people to whom he gave this story works in the medical field and immediately knew what was going on. When confronted, TJ blocked them.

I currently have a list of four other people TJ Cummings has contacted and have made overtures toward. Something tells me there’s a lot more than four, however.

UPDATE: I have seen proof that as recently as this past weekend TJ continues to tell people that his diagnosis in December 2013 was a false positive.

In progress

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