All Sex Work And Porn Is Rape.. Umm What? F*ck You Andrea Dworkin

Okay, at this point, I am beating this topic (my disdain for the ass backwards logic of radical feminists) to death. I know that I am, but every single day I am reminded about how illogical, irrational, and just plain fucking wrong they are, and I’m going to keep writing about it until someone fucking gets it!

Andrea Dworkin 1946-2005 (thank god there was an end date): American radical feminist who had some particularly batshit crazy ideas. In a nutshell, Dworkin hated men (although she married a gay one), believed that pornography was a human rights violation, and here’s the best one- believed that all sex is rape. That’s right…ALL SEX IS RAPE. Actually, that’s what journalist Cathy Young extrapolated from Dworkin’s famous quote “Intercourse is the pure, sterile, formal expression of men’s contempt for women.”

Andrea Dworkin

Umm…WHAT?? I guess it’s safe to say that Andrea Dworkin never had good sex with a man (or anyone? I mean C’MON, she was SO angry all of the time!)

Oh…but it gets worse. Let the batshit crazy continue- In 1989, Dworkin testified in front of the Attorney General’s Commission on Pornography. She claimed that Playboy magazine promoted rape and childhood sexual abuse, among many other ridiculous allegations. Her half hour long speech can be found on YouTube, but don’t listen to it after eating. Friendly warning.

So, ding dong, the witch is dead…but wait. Her legacy lives on because, believe it or not, many radical feminists STILL preach these same ideals. There is a Facebook group which will remain nameless (begins with “Fem” and ends in “ism”!), and its members CONSTANTLY come up with this kind of garbage:

“There is nothing empowering about being raped. Which is all sex work is. Men paying women to be raped. Paid or not, willing or not, it’s still rape”

Yes, somebody actually wrote that, in response to the idea that some women find sex work to be empowering. The very definition of rape is that it is NON consensual, so how the fuck does this statement make any sense? Oh that’s right- IT DOESN’T. I dare the idiot that wrote that statement to approach an actual rape victim and say “Hey, sometimes rape is consensual. I know a prostitute who was paid $500 last night to have great sex with a regular client of hers. It was totally consensual, but I still classify it as rape.” Do these rad fems have ANY idea how offensive that would be to an actual rape victim? Think before you speak, ladies. Seriously.

Here’s another scenario- A porn performer tells a radical feminist about her latest experience on set. She enjoyed the scene, is proud of her work, and got paid. Little Miss (excuse me, Ms.) Rad Fem replies with “Wow- are you ok? You were raped!” Porn star replies “What…no, I was not raped. It’s my job, I was paid for a scene. Actually, I found it empowering!” Ms. Rad Fem replies with the original statement above, “There is nothing empowering about being raped. Which is all sex work is.”

Ok, so what just happened? One woman told another woman that she was raped, when in fact, she was not. DENYING THE REALITY OF THE SITUATION, DISMISSING THE WOMAN’S WORDS. What does this remind you of…? It reminds me of the thousands of women who are raped every year, and are told “Nah, that wasn’t rape.” Start listening to women, and when they say they’ve been raped- BELIEVE THEM. When they say that they haven’t been raped, BELIEVE THEM, even if it goes against your moral fabric. Also- who the fuck died and gave you the right to tell another woman what is and isn’t empowering for her??? Oh, that’s right. Dworkin, in 2005. Carry on the torch, ladies (and some men).

So what’s next? Will the rad fems start asserting that a woman who accepts a gift from a man whom she is sleeping with is engaging in sex work? What about the woman who accepts a $50,000 engagement ring from her boyfriend, and then gives him a mind-altering blow job that evening. Is that rape? Or, is this acceptable, since it’s taking place within the confines of a relationship? As many of us know, giving a good blow job can be WORK, and is often rewarded! So, is that sex work? Is it rape? I’m sure Ms. Dworkin would have answered “Yes.”

Oh, and while I’m at it- F*ck you too Shelley Lubben, because the same crazy shit comes out of your mouth, regarding women in pornography. I hear that you’re having a LOVELY event tomorrow, PornStars4Puppies. If you’re so disgusted by the porn industry, WHY do you keep calling yourself a “porn star?” Also, I’m not too sure what the exact definition of “porn star” is, but I’m pretty damn sure that you did not meet criteria.

Here’s one of my favorite photos of Shelley Lubben below. It appears that she’s posing in what might be a strip club? I’m not really sure what the hell that crazy woman is doing in that photo. Perhaps trying to hunt down Ron Jeremy so he can sign her boobs again.


I’m not really sure what the hell that crazy woman is doing in that photo. Perhaps trying to hunt down Ron Jeremy so he can sign her boobs again.

Shelley Lubben offers her breast to be signed by Ron Jeremy

Okay, I’m done for the day. Thank you PMS.

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  • Hi Anthony! Not sure how closely you read the article, but what I wrote was:
    here’s the best one- believed that all sex is rape. That’s right…ALL SEX IS RAPE. Actually, that’s what journalist Cathy Young extrapolated from Dworkin’s famous quote “Intercourse is the pure, sterile, formal expression of men’s contempt for women.”

    I did not put "all sex is rape" in quotes, since those were not her exact words. That was the famous interpretation of Cathy Young. That is only one of many quotes that give off the same sentiment. So, yes you are correct, that never said those exact words.



  • Ummm....for the record, Dworkin never really said "All sex is rape"; she mostly said that "under patriarchy, most heterosexual sex is rape". Close, but not quite.

    This in no way excuses her core sexual fascism, but it does pay to be accurate.


  • You made a great point about it being offensive to real rape victims when feminist say all sex in porn is rape. The audacity of some people astound me.

  • Andrea Dworkin was likely a schizophrenic without medication. Some of the things she said about women and sex were delusional (the all sex is rape would be one of them).

    As for today's carriers of the Dworkin torch, come on radical feminists, get out of the 1800's and accept that nowadays sex can be fun and consensual, even if there is a paycheck, BDSM or a $50K engagement ring involved. It doesn't help that she was butt-ugly and probably couldn't get any man to fuck her even if she wanted it.

  • To just know when her birthday is, off by heart. To let her know she is being thought of on this very special day, even though under hostile intentions its the thought that counts. Very powerful and beautiful display of a hidden deep emotion.

    Offering so affectionately to take her hand-in-hand to rehab so she can seek help, find peace and be reunited with her family. Her path to redemption, the fulfillment of her destiny by her shepherd and destroyer, whom hurts so dearly inside to see her on the destructive course she follows.

    Speaking hopeful of her when all others put her down on her brother open words to her. A very beautiful and passionate connection amidst the more frequent visible display of conflict and hostility.

    We may not see it most the time, but the light of love and affection does exist. And it burns bright, only never to be fully embraced in the physical world.

  • Ive read this article many times..Ive come to the 2 conclusions

    A. Ugly people hate good looking people having sex
    2. Christina has great boobs..

  • Sean, if I am remembering correctly, you came to that conclusion a few days ago. Thank you for repeating it though, I never mind hearing it. To quote one of my all time favorite television shows, "they're real, and they're spectacular!"

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