I found this interview over at AIPdaily. Please forgive the correct spelling, its not my fault as I copy and pasted it..Had I wrote it I would have made sure to spell some words wrong..Also, let me add a disclaimer, since this isn’t a TRPWL interview some of the thoughts expressed don’t reflect mine. If i was gonna bring a jew home it wouldn’t be James Deen, it would be Michael Whiteacre, for non sex Shelley bashing only..
Hello Christina, for those who might not know you please let us know you are and please describe yourself?
I’m a doctoral student in my mid-20’s, just searching for my own piece of the American dream. No, seriously, I’m a doctoral student, writer and aspiring researcher. My dissertation will examine factors that correlate with victim-blaming in the rape of female sex workers. Basically, I’m sick of hearing the old stereotype, “well she’s a slut, so she must have been asking for it” or perhaps more recently, “she puts things in her vagina on camera, so it’s impossible to rape her.” My academic interests led me to start a blog, legalizetoprotect.com, in which I write about sex-positive issues, including a generous helping of mortifying self-disclosure. Well, mortifying for my family, if that counts. Oh, and the angry radical feminists who think I’m an Antichrist. I write about the stigma that affects performers in the porn industry, as well as the whack jobs that want to “save them” *cough* Shelley Lubben *cough*. In addition to my own articles, I feature several guest submissions from sex workers.
So you are saying it is possible to be a feminist and not have a problem with porn or sex in general? If that’s the case, what would you say is the issue that people like Gail Dines, the late Andrea Dworkin and the other anti-porn activists actually have with the sex industry as a whole?
Absolutely, I’m living proof that it is possible. I identify as a feminist and support the choice of adult consenting women and men to work as porn performers. I will never understand why so many self-proclaimed feminists think it is their right to tell other women what they can and cannot do with their bodies. Isn’t that the opposite of feminism? The anti-porn activists are yet another group of individuals who think that they know what’s best for every woman and want to impose their moral judgments on the rest of us. As far as I can tell, there’s no difference between the basic ideologies of feminists, such as Gail Dines, and Republicans such as Rick Santorum. The only difference is how they would choose to explain my choices. Dines would tell me that I’m brainwashed by the patriarchy and Santorum would probably fail to come up with anything coherent. Perhaps he would blame it on those damn gays or the Democrats. Now that I think about it, Dines and Santorum would probably make a pretty sexy couple. That’s a porn parody waiting to happen.
What do you think are some things that the porn industry, as well as other parts of the sex industry, could do to try and lift the stigma that many people place on them?
Honestly, I am not sure that there’s much that the industry could do or should do. The responsibility should not fall on the sex industry to lift the stigma. We should not blame those that are being targeted, but rather blame the society that engages in this stigmatization. We live in a society that fears sex, while also obsessing over it.
I’m not sure if you have any thoughts on the condom debate raging on out in LA but where do you fall on the issue?
I am familiar with the issue and I think it’s ridiculous. Once again, it’s a group of individuals who are attempting to impose regulations on consenting adult performers, all while cleverly scaring the public and selfishly catering to their own interests.
Why is the AIDS Healthcare Foundation so concerned with an industry that hasn’t had a single confirmed HIV+ result among their heterosexual performers in the last seven years? Straight performers get tested at least once every 28 days. Do you know anyone in the general population that gets tested that often!? I sure as hell don’t! I would feel much safer having unprotected sex with a porn performer than I would with somebody that I meet in a bar, the library or even in church, although you’ll only find me at a church when someone dies. I do look pretty hot in black.
I know you don’t cover this stuff on your blog generally but what are your thoughts on the recent news around same-sex marriage?
I was thrilled when Obama came out in support of gay-marriage but it’s not enough. It’s a start but I am ashamed to live in a country where gays and lesbians don’t have the same rights as heterosexual couples. It’s pathetic and I hope that things continue to change for the better. If people like Courtney Stodden and that old dude can get married, then why can’t homosexual couple get married? Shouldn’t we all get to suffer for eternity?
When you do watch adult movies, what kind do you like to watch?
I watch adult movies when it’s time to take care of business; usually in the absence of my partner but sometimes it can also be very arousing to watch porn together. Sometimes I watch them out of sheer boredom; fabulous way to liven up a rainy afternoon. I prefer heterosexual porn but occasionally crave a hot girl/girl scene. Lately, I find myself gravitating more and more towards the “rougher” side of things, such as the material on Kink.com. Maybe it’s just all of that James Deen.
Who would you say are your favorite performers?
My favorite male performer is James Deen, how could it not be? That’s the kind of nice Jewish man that you take home to meet the folks. I also have a raging crush on Eva Angelina. She’s got the dark hair, tattooed and curves that make me want to weep.
What sort of things do you like to do when you aren’t working on your site? Any hobbies?
I signed up for pole dancing lessons a few months ago and I am obsessed. I spent at least three hours per week at the studio, building my muscle tone while wearing six inch heels and booty shorts. What’s there not to love about that? Although most of my free time is dedicated to my academic responsibilities, I also try to travel whenever I get a break. I spent 10 wonderful days in Tokyo over winter break and hope to return in the next couple of years. I also enjoy having other people cook for me, getting tattooed and collecting as much Hello Kitty crap as I can fit into my apartment.
Do you have any upcoming special events or projects that you would like to promote, please do so.
Nope, just my blog, cue shameless self-promotion. Actually, I’d also like to mention my friend Michael Whiteacre’s fantastic documentary, The Devil and Shelley Lubben. My interest in Lubben started when I came across episodes 1 and 2 of his documentary, which can be found on his YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/michaelwhiteacre?feature=results_main
Episodes 3 and 4 are coming out soon and I was actually fortunate enough to be interviewed for future episodes, so stay tuned for that as well. Cue more shameless self-promotion?
The truth is out- I love Jews. I just can’t help myself.
James Deen and I had better hide our bags of gold.
The real question is- who’s is bigger?
You mean “whose” is bigger…
Ugh, you’re right. Well, I guess that answers the original question.
Better hide that bag of gold!
Who couldn’t love James Deen, he’s amazing!
Carrie, I agree. What is there not to love??? I can’t name one single thing. He’s dreamy. I’m tellin ya, most Jews are. Whiteacre ain’t bad either. It’s the Jewish charm. I’m thinking of converting!
Back before Lubben began calling me “a known atheist pornographer,” I was her Jewish Treasure…
A fetish that transformed into full on romance with him. The young raven haired lass had exploded into his heart. Of course there is another who would have heard of this and become consumed by jealousy and repressed anger. For the raven haired lass has managed to experience the very thing she could only fantasise about six months prior. To dine with him. To romantically sample the tastes of exotic sea foods, pasta and fine wine within each others company on such a beautiful summer night. How does she feel when she bears witness to the sight of the sensual… Read more »
Beautiful. They both overcame their hate after so much vexing. That is what it is all about. When they both see the worst in each other yet true love overcomes it all. Love/hate relationships, they are so chaotic yet it can all be worth it.
No better words to describe the emotion.