Leaked Mike South Emails Reveal The Man Who Built Rob Black

Oct 7, 2013
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Mike South -- scumbag

Well, well, what do we have here?

It’s a May 2013 email thread featuring a Mike South / Rob Black love fest. One month later, performer Katie Summers, under Black’s tutelage, filed a lawsuit against HIV-positive director John Stagliano and his company Evil Angel, alleging “negligence, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and sexual battery” for touching her butt cheeks with his hand in a scene of the 2010 movie “Buttman’s Stretch Class 4.”

Here we find South, the only porn gossip blogger with AHF on speed dial, furthering his personal mission to undermine performer testing by feeding information to con-artist/snitch Black. While members of the adult community were fighting for their rights in court and the California legislature, South was offering encouragement to the reviled Black and arming him with propaganda designed to demonize and help weaken confidence in adult business trade association Free Speech Coalition, and PASS (then APHSS) testing protocols.


Failed adult talent agent, amateur pornographer, gossip blogger and AHF lackey Mike South


True to his reputation as the adult world’s least factual blogger, South gets most of his information wrong (see below), but his cordial mentor-like guidance of vengeful pariah Rob Black is revealing.

Rob Black Fan

Rob Black fan

The Mike South – Rob Black emails

From: “mikesouth@mikesouth.com” <mikesouth@mikesouth.com>

To: Rob Black <rzblack@yahoo.com>

Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 1:15 AM

Subject: Re: Rob Black


simply put the PCR DNA is a viral load test its good for early detection because it detects the actual virus, however if you have been on the anti virals and protease inhibitor drugs your viral load will drop low enough that the test will not catch it.


So someone like John Stagliano or Magic Johnson Or Karen Stagliano who has HIV but comes into the biz after taking the anti viral meds will test clean on PCR DNA tests.


Thats the dirty little secret that AIM and the FSC and APHSS have tried to hide for years…don’t take my word for it though look it up, ask a virologist.


That is why Kary Mullins the inventor of PCR technology said that it should never be used as an HIV test but simply as a diagnostic tool to determine the viral load. 




From: Rob Black <rzblack@yahoo.com>

To: “mikesouth@mikesouth.com” <mikesouth@mikesouth.com>

Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 4:28 AM

Subject: Re: Rob Black



That’s why your you and I’m not smart. That was very neatly and simply explained and its fucking shocking.  Wow ok so now the question is what do they say is the best test that says med’s or no med’s you got the bug fucking simple cant hide it.






From: “mikesouth@mikesouth.com” <mikesouth@mikesouth.com>

To: Rob Black <rzblack@yahoo.com>


Dont sell yourself smart Rob  you are plenty smart, you get things…someone explained it to me as well ya know.


The Gold standard test is a term that the medical community uses to describe what it considers to be the best test.  Right now, for HIV the gold standard is the ELISA with the Western Blot as the confirmatory test.  If a person tests positive in porn with the PCR DNA test  they still use the Western Blot to confirm.  apparently it takes two different tests to confirm a diagnosis


now  30 years ago, the elisa test had a a potentially long window…everyone likes to use the 6 month term….With current elisa  testing that is not really true.  Current Elisa Testing will pick up  an infection in 90% of cases in the first ten days of exposure and  99+ in the first thirty….how does that compare to the PCR DNA?  it is almost identical


So why do we use PCR DNA…simple  It costs 100 dollars….AIM was making a much higher profit per test (about 60 dollars)


we could go to one test one shoot right now because the ELISA test called Oraquick is now available over the counter at any drugstore for less than 40 bucks


Ideally id say do one pcrdna test and an elisa when someone enters the biz and one test per shoot thereafter, maybe with a periodic elisa


John would NOT pass the ELISA Test BTW.


but the big thing here isnt so much HIV to me  fortunately HIV is actually pretty damn hard to get from heterosexual sex (except anal)  to me the big thing is the stuff we dont test for that is at least as dangerous as HIV  Like Hepatitis and HPV.


Hep-C will kill you faster than HIV these days.


when you break it down to its simplest form….its all about the money….



As noted above, Mike South gets most of his information wrong, as usual – even the name of the inventor of PCR testing (Kary Mullis, not Mullins). AIM Healthcare is long gone thanks to the efforts of AHF, yet South STILL can’t get the facts about their testing system right.


For six years, Tim Tritch was employed by the labs that tested the specimens drawn at AIM: Heathline Clinical Laboratories and later Westcliff Clinical Labs. Tritch was the Account Representative for the AIM Healthcare account, and he states:

Healthline Lab ran the HIV/PCR-DNA Qualitative [for AIM]… Healthline won several of the most prestigious awards in the laboratory industry, including the Roche Molecular Biology Laboratory of the Year, and was the West Coast Center of Excellence for Roche. Healthline basically became the school that all other laboratories trained at when applying for PCR validation…The head of Healthline Laboratory’s molecular biology department was part of the Nobel Prize winning team with Kerry Mullis who developed PCR technology.

That’s right, the man responsible for the testing done on behalf of the adult industry was a member of the team that developed PCR testing – yet South somehow knows better than him how the test he helped create should and should not be used…

For years, Mike South used to claim that AIM made a $90 profit per test, and had only switched to a PCR test to increase its revenue. Here he claims it was $60, which is still wrong. Again, let’s quote Tritch – who took home a commission on every test and knows exactly what the costs and margins were.

AIM purchased the tests for $75 and sold them for $120. That leaves 45 dollars to cover ALL of her (AIM administrator Sharon Mitchell’s] expenses. In reality, AIM could have made a larger profit with the Elisa test, which she could have gotten done, with the volume of tests her clinic did every day, for about 10 to 15 bucks. She could have charged fifty for that, and marked up the gonorrhea and chlamydia test by five or ten dollars. AIM paid $25 for the G/C and gave it to performers for $25. According to the Mike South School of Porn Economics that must be a $50 profit (lol).

As for South’s opinions on the relative merits of PCR vs ELISA HIV tests – well, they’re laughable too. (recently, TRPWL addressed the supremacy of PCR viral load testing in this report, and veteran performer/RN Nina Hartley broke it all down in great detail here.

In any event, today labs are required by law to run a parallel ELISA along with every PCR (not just as a confirmatory test if the PCR indicates ‘detected’). The parallel ELISA is called a ‘non reportable’ test. And the notion that an HIV+ person on meds would test negative on the PCR is laughable. HIV+ individuals routinely have PCR tests done to measure their viral load as part of their treatment.

Also – South claims HPV is “as least as dangerous as HIV”? Huh? Now, obviously Hepatitis C is serious business, but there is no consensus on how readily it can be transmitted sexually. “Hep C is transmitted blood-to-blood primarily through needle sharing among IV drug users,” Nina Hartley noted. “The CDC does not classify it as an STD and clinics aren’t required to report it to health authorities as such. It’s a nasty, often fatal, disease, but it’s not a risk for single-contact sex performances and the hysteria drummed up around it by the Usual Suspects is medically indefensible.”

Of course, this level of disinformation is par for the course with an axe-wielding blowhard like South, but the real story here is how South used Black to disseminate anti-FSC/PASS/APHSS propaganda. In doing so, Mike South helped build the monster that is Rob Black. Be sure to remember that the next time South tells you (in between AHF press releases) how much he loves the people in world of adult.


If You Don’t Pay Attention To Me I’ll Write The IRS! — The Jon Rodgers Story

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Fake Mike South
11 years ago

Yall are darn tootin.

Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago

The only explanation for why a ‘porn god’ like Mike South would trust and compliment scumbag Rob Black: South must’ve caught that fever that’s goin’ round…

11 years ago

Awwww. Next thing you know South will be the star of Porn H8RZ Bukakke. Black, Byron, Ross and the AHF moron will all jizz on his face, then Katie Dummers will wash it clean with “squirt.”

Imposter Foster
11 years ago

I never trusted Mike South. But he is white so I will let him fuck me.

Ernest Greene
Ernest Greene
11 years ago

Nice to see something truthful about AIM in print after all this time. These two lying loudmouths have done a pretty good job of burying that truth under a metric ton of bullshit but truth has a funny way of surfacing no matter how deep the liars try to sink it. I was board chairman at AIM for six years and on the board from day one and neither Black nor South has ever uttered one correct or honest word about how AIM operated, nor has either been able to explain how, if all their false accusations were actually factual,… Read more »

Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago
Reply to  Ernest Greene

Ernest, I wish I could ‘like’ this comment more than once. Thank you. We care about the facts here, so it’s the highest compliment when the actual participants stop by to say we got it right.

Ernest Greene
Ernest Greene
11 years ago

You’re most welcome. You’ve done more than anyone else to bring the facts to light. This entire business owes you a debt of gratitude for your work.

Alas, we know how good this industry is about paying its debts, but the work is always worth doing.

Jamie Gardner
11 years ago

I’m glad that Ernest Greene and Michael Whiteacre have been responding to negative things said about AIM by Mike South, etc.. I thought from the beginning that Robert Black’s attacks, over the last few months, on the x-rated industry have been him trying to be a Mike South imitator. These emails back up my belief of who he was being inspired by. Until a few months ago, I thought Black was mellowing, I was sure wrong! I do think it would be a good idea for Ernest Greene and Michael Whiteacre to write about what caused the debt situation at… Read more »

Ernest Greene
Ernest Greene
11 years ago

Of all the garbage flung at AIM, the implication that we were stealing money is the most ludicrous and insulting. AIM started with almost no money, operated in constant struggle for money and ended up owing money. Nobody affiliated with AIM made anything more than the minimal staff salaries we paid, and they were minimal indeed. Here’s what happened at the end. On average, our lab bills were around $50K a month, based on doing forty tests a day on average. We charged just enough to cover that bill, pay the staff and keep the lights on. Then we got… Read more »

Anthony Kennerson
11 years ago

And now you know why Ernest Greene holds the esteemed title of Contributor Emeritus over at BPPA. It’s not just because he happens to be Nina Hartley’s husband, you know. His game is as tight as his satorical tastes. It’s so amazing that Mike South’s lying ass can’t be bothered to check a freakin’ website to know how HIV tests are distributed. Otherwise, he would have found out that Western Blot tests are NOT used to verify PCR tests, but to measure and document viral loads. Indeed, most health professionals say that PCR tests should always be used to verify… Read more »

11 years ago

Wondering about The point of this blog post. To say someone is wrong and someone else is right? WTF? With all the controversy about tests in your industry I did some major homework. I’m not in your industry, just a curious homemaker with kickass research abilities. The controversy made me curious about what test would be BEST for me. With the info about there for undetectable, qualitative, quantative, RNA, NAT, ELISA, western blot, RPR and more it was confusing. Qualitative and quantative are funny words to describe these tests. These terms describe data research methods. Basically it comes down to… Read more »

11 years ago

@ Anthony Kennerson Please do YOUR OWN homework…I did mine and YOU ARE INCORRECT! Western Blot and ELISA are used to find the actual antibodies AFTER our body has developed them by fighting the VIRUS. Doesn’t matter if it is chickenpox or HIV we don’t get “antibodies” to fight the virus until the immune system has kicked in, once the immune system kicks in they are found. PCR and NAT testing looks for copies of the actual virus which is why they ae so great at early diagnosis. They find the ACTIVE viral particles vs the antibodies. That is why… Read more »

Ernest Greene
Ernest Greene
11 years ago

So, Reader, how much did AHF pay you for that standard-issue boiler-plate bullshit you posted? You’re not in the industry but somehow you found this rather obscure place to post a bunch of double-talk that disproves nothing said earlier and does not prove anything claimed by your AHF pals. A curious homemaker indeed. I’m curious about who you really are, how you got here and what motivated you to do all this claimed research and end up spouting the AHF party line nearly word for word. You’re peddling ignorance and confusion. You question my motivations for posting what I did… Read more »

Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago

“Wondering about The point of this blog post. To say someone is wrong and someone else is right?” No, the primary points of this post are: 1) a man who has positioned himself as THE guy who cares about performers (see: http://therealpornwikileaks.com/christian-mann-emails-mike-south/ ) has sided with a hateful liar, con man, rip-off artist and abuser of performers; and 2) he has the science of testing all wrong. “Qualitative and quantative are funny words to describe these tests. These terms describe data research methods.” No, you miss the point. Qualitative tells you WHETHER ONE IS INFECTED, while Quantitative tells you HOW… Read more »

Goldstein Army
Goldstein Army
11 years ago

I’d love to blow my nuts all over Nina Hartley’s tits. She’s always been super hot!

11 years ago

@ Whiteacre Thank you for clarifying that the ELISA is part of the APTIMA process. I stand corrected for my premise that this is not conducted as part of the test. my question about whether or not an ELISA that shows positive/reactive ever being able to show a negative or non-reactive has yet to be answered. The same with western blot, just a simple yes or no. NON-REPORTABLE???? Would making this part of test be reportable be helpful when using these tests for continuing risk/behavior modification assessment? So you are saying that given just the PCR RNA or NAT results… Read more »

Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago
Reply to  Reader

“[M]y question about whether or not an ELISA that shows positive/reactive ever being able to show a negative or non-reactive has yet to be answered. The same with western blot, just a simple yes or no.” The result of a test seeking a reaction is either “reactive” or it is not. Yes, there are non-reactive (as well as reactive) test results (either the test found what it was looking for or it did not) however the question is what does that mean. Any (single) test not being reactive does not mean — as a matter of law — that the… Read more »

11 years ago

@ Ernest I have no affiliation with AHF. I am what I said just a homemaker who got curious and started reading about the testing protocols back in August when I noticed an article in Huffington Post about syphilis then saw more controversy the same week with the HIV issue. I am married for nearly 30 years and have only been tested twice. Why? Despite routine care it has never been suggested or asked of me to retest at any time due to a low risk lifestyle. The controversy made me curious when the fact that too many people think… Read more »

Ernest Greene
Ernest Greene
11 years ago

That’s a pretty good alibi, but it seems to have some logic problems in it. If you want medical advice, you would logically seek it from professional medical sources. Yes, I do think we have one of the world’s most advanced systems, but it’s designed for sex work professionals which you’re clearly not, by your own description. I am hardly paranoid and nobody is out to get me. They were out to get the clinic I helped found and build and they got it, so if I’m less than welcoming to strangers who seem eager to find gaps in the… Read more »

11 years ago

I do describe myself accurately and WILL be asking my doctor WHICH test and process she thinks is best for me at my next appointment.

As you said my concern about why I no longer feeling confident about relying on my old test is my own and doesn’t need any explanation. It was part of my response to accusations of my motives.

I will finish my research and share what I find out with my kids who also need relevant info about what they can and cannot believe about tests and their results.

Good luck and be well

11 years ago

ROFLMAO Accusing me of being all kinds of people with all kinds of agendas?? I don’t get it and I’m glad this isn’t the kind of life I lead worried that people are constantly lying and trying to get over on you. Now I understand why my questions about what test would show if someone already diagnosed and on ART were met with legal crap about diagnosis. I can’t prove I’m NOT all those people you think might be out to get you. I will tell you that I’m married 29 years and have two children….now do I need to… Read more »

11 years ago

Ps trying to get info about a test I would be comfortable with to PROVE someone isn’t hiv positive and taking ART has been quite an education in other ways.

Until recently I thought ATM was where I use my teller card and get cash.

Ernest Greene
Ernest Greene
11 years ago

While I couldn’t agree more when it comes to Mike South, the point of the article is the exchange between South and the odious Mr. Black and the content thereof, which reveals them to be true equals who are neatly sabotaging their own and each other’s credibility on a subject about which they seem to think they have a lot to say.

The point is that they’re both dipping out of the same bucket of bullshit.

Fake Gene Ross
Fake Gene Ross
11 years ago
Reply to  Ernest Greene

I knew it was you, you cretin! You are the one responsible for knocking Rob Black’s phallus from my lips and keeping it all to yourself. Et tu, Brute? Here I thought we were allies in the effort to destroy the porn industry and the anuses of pubescent brown skinned males. I feel as betrayed as Chamberlain when he realized Czechoslovakia was not enough to appease Adolph. To be out flanked by a Hillbilly Hitler is truly damaging to my ego. Excuse me while I seek comfort in the warm embrace of Remy Martin, Darvocet and a young Honduran chap.… Read more »

11 years ago
Reply to  Fake Gene Ross

Aren’t you supposed to be retired from porn and selling porn memorabilia at the local pawn shop? Also, don’t you have a Social Security check to go cash? Gene Ross, I suggest you go cash your first Social Security check, sell that poster of Sharon Mitchell from 1975 and go suck Rob Black’s dick.

Oh BTW Darvocet is no longer sold in the US. Of course Honduran sex slaves aren’t either. I guess you will have to switch to Vicodin like everyone else. I myself will be curling up with a couple of morphine and a few Haldol shortly.

Fake Gene Ross
Fake Gene Ross
11 years ago
Reply to  mharris127

If you think I am bound by the substances and orifices the United States has to offer then you woefully underestimate the 87 years of experience I have as an alcoholic deviant I have under my belt. EVERY sexual servant shipped to our great land has cavities that can be filled with an array of delicacies from far off lands. Uncrate a Honduran, kick him in the belly then look between his buttocks and it resembles a cornicopia of pharmacological delights. As for my current employment, I have a Falwell Campari ad Hustler that Larry Flynt graced with his signature… Read more »

11 years ago

Wow… Leave for two years and the whole (porn) world flips on it’s head. I see LIB was recently purchased (I assume) by AHF. At least Whiteacre is still going strong… Haven’t seen any recent Shelley Lubben rumblings, I hope she moved on to some other batshit crazy endeavor, “Prophet, me, no… Well maybe…”

Haha, and how does a middle-aged housewife stumble onto this web site searching for info about HIV testing to inform her children? Wonder how her husband felt when he checked the web history… Upset? Doubt it… Excited? Hopefully…

Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago
Reply to  Voltaire

Good to hear from you, Voltaire! I’ve missed your observations. Don’t be a stranger.

11 years ago

Haha! Good to see you remember Michael…
I will try, but alas, every day I get older it seems I lose more and more free time.

Quick question. Seeing how I’ve been out of the loop, what the hell happened at LIB?!? Seems “Kelli” is quck to point to others guilt (Evil Angel, Vivid) without much in the way of “evidence”,,,

Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago
Reply to  Voltaire

What happened at LIB is apparently a long story, and I’m aware of only a small part of it. Cindi said she had become unable to devote time to running it due to family issues, and wanted to sell it. Instead, Kelli took over, changed the tone and tenor of the site, and pissed a lot of people off. That’s about all I know.

11 years ago

Hmm… Thus is the internet I suppose. At least this site seems to allow for some educated discourse.

Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago

Which is precisely why I say, please don’t be a stranger.

11 years ago

Keyword being “some”. If the discourse goes over the 7th grade level too often, then Fake Mike South is going to have to start commenting on LukeFord.com, so the other comments don’t go above his hillbilly head.


[…] Leaked Mike South Emails Reveal The Man Who Built Rob Black […]

Gram Ponante
Gram Ponante
11 years ago

As a homemaker with crack research skills, I was so grateful to happen on this post. I know Scientific American disabled its comments for unmoderatable abuses, but the comments section here just became a space for a history of the fall of AIM, a clean breakdown of testing methodologies, and a rooting out of trolls. Thanks to Messrs. Whiteacre, Greene, and Kennerson. I like who I like and my shanty Irish sensibilities are often overwhelmed by who is now in bed with whom, but one thing that has not changed is that AHF, like Nurse Ratched, “ain’t honest” in seeking… Read more »

Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago
Reply to  Gram Ponante

We do what we can, Mr. Ponante. Thank you for the film reference, and yes, “You’re not fat” is indeed the only acceptable lie, although it’s my second favorite fudging of the truth…

I’m sure you’re all-too-familiar with the fact that whenever someone forces you to sit through one of their terrible movies, the more awful it is, the greater the likelihood they will corner you to ask you what you thought. When they do, I always pat them on the shoulder, smile warmly and offer this reply: “You couldn’t have done better!”

Anthony Kennerson
11 years ago

Well, Mr. Ponante, we do what we can. Thanks.

I still think that our “housemaker” is simply Nick East trolling his ass off….but I’m willing to give “her” the benefit of the doubt.

Michael Whiteacre
11 years ago

Of course it’s Nick. I can practically smell the booze from here.


[…] findings throw a monkey wrench into the pseudo-scientific ramblings of adult business gossip-mongers such as Mike South and Rob Black, who have claimed without a shred of evidence that adult performer PCR testing is useless because […]

Mathilde Brakus
4 years ago


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