FSC/PASS Issues Statement On CET Leaving PASS

FSC issued a statement by tweet a little while ago regarding CET leaving PASS immediately:

This morning, we learned by tweet that CET will no longer be uploading test results to the PASS database. This is concerning, but as a nonprofit organization dealing with for-profit labs, it was always a possibility.

We’re disappointed in their move, which is unfair to performers. We’re working on immediate and long-term solutions. However, CET and TTS are still using the PASS Certified protocol, and it is currently safe to continue to test there.

When labs pull out of the PASS database, they reject nonprofit industry oversight and performers and producers lose a central place to check availability. While this is a challenge, we use this to strengthen PASS, not abandon it.

We are currently reaching out to discuss this with stakeholders and partners. We will update you as we have more information, and will be hosting a town hall meeting later this week to discuss the next steps.

Ian O’Brien, who uses He/Him/His pronouns and identifies as the PASS Executive Director might be out of a job soon as the FSC and PASS continue their long slow decent into obscurity.

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