Every evil entity has a weakness. Vampires hate the light, Wooden Stakes and Holy Water. Got Werewolves loose in your hood try a silver bullet. Zombies at your local supermarket, Shotgun blasts to the head or Liquid Nitrogen will do the trick. If a Shelley Lubben invades Facebook, try a link to the truth..
While some see me as one half of the world famous Tard Whisperers im also part of a bigger organization, one that protects certain people from the likes of Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies and Slubbens
…Life as a super hero is crazy, i wake up everyday looking over my shoulder for the cross eyed serial killer, am forced to flirt with hot porn chicks all day and then when duty calls i have to spring into action and today was no different…
Our top secret organization works thru back channels known as emails. At any given time there can be several top secret wars being waged all over the net. While you people go about your simple lives its us who try to keep you safe. Imagine a world were Vampires, Werewolves, Tards, Zombies and Slubbens were allowed to run around without being slayed. You think Ron Jeremy would still be with is if we didn’t exist. No, he would be tied up in Slubbens house and forced to watch Slubs violate her hubby with a 8ft staff and then most likely he to would be sexually assaulted by a member of Slubs pinkcross..
My top secret email contained nothing but this link and a note that said will self destruct in 5 seconds..
Using that clue i was able to deduce that Slubben had a new facebook page, quickly i jumped into action. Using my top secret crime lab computer aka TRPWL i found the perfect link
This link was so powerful and filled with truth that she deleted her Facebook and disappeared back to the depths of hell
Now like all evil she will be back..But for a few days, Myself and the Top Secret Superhero Organization known as the Top Secret Superhero Organization have made the world a better place…And if anyone sees Ron Jeremy, remind him why hes still walking around a free man..
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