A Pink Cross Defector Dishes On Shelley Lubben

Feb 16, 2012
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I was gonna reprint the whole blog, but decided instead to quote it then link so you could read it in its entirety… Later today I’ll share how Shelley’s greed cost her a mortgage payment

These excerpts are from Pink Cross Foundation defector April Garris’s blog The Healing Diaries… There’s a whole lot more on the subject of the Lubbens, and it’s all worth checking out.


“While I certainly do not believe in slandering other Christians, I also believe that no one ministry, or person, is above scrutiny. I also do not believe in keeping silent when leaders abuse their authority and take advantage of well-meaning”

“Those of you who have donated to the Pink Cross, or are considering it, I ask you to please read my words with an open mind, and ask yourself if this group is worthy of your hard-earned donations.”

” In an interview with Howard Stern, she compared herself to Martin Luther”

“In my time working for Pink Cross, I noticed that Shelley’s personal conduct, sadly, wasn’t conducive to how a minister should conduct herself. It is not so much Shelley’s doctrine that I have a problem with, but rather her personal character and the focus of her ministry, which seems to be primarily self-centered rather than Christ-centered.”

“While I cannot speak for everyone, in my own case, Shelley did revise my testimony, and at least one other girl has admitted to having her story embellished by Shelley:”

“I suspected that she was trying to coax something out of me, or pushing for me to come up with some fictitious STD.”

“While finances are certainly a concern for any Christian ministry, for Shelley and Pink Cross, it was an obsession.”

“Shelley would propose the articles that were to be included, and would always remind me to make sure to ask for money. “

“Shelley would always say that Pink Cross would have to shut its doors if more people didn’t step up to the plate and give generously. This I never understood, as Shelley ran Pink Cross from her home, and the level of expenses didn’t really seem to match the level of need that we claimed”

“I noticed that the tax forms that they submitted to the IRS in 2009 were different than those which were on the Pink Cross website. “

“In my 8 months with Pink Cross, I do not recall “rescuing” one girl from porn.”

“that she knew more Bible than anyone, and even comparing herself to the apostle Paul in terms of greatness. She basically implied that she was greater than him because “he didn’t have to deal with pornographers.”

“She talked about being the prophet Elijah spoken of in the book of Revelation, citing her house on Elias (Elijah) Avenue as evidence of this.”

“Shelley has been accused of abusing prescription drugs and alcohol, by more than one person. I can personally attest that these accusations are true. I have also smelled alcohol on her breath, and I, along with other Pink Cross members, have drank at her house.”

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Michael Whiteacre
12 years ago

This is another blockbuster blog entry by April Garris — non-sensationalist, well-sourced, and honest (everything, sadly , that Shelley Lubben is not). It serves to demonstrate that our worst suspicions about Lubben, going back to 2009 or earlier, were all true. April Garris is a fine woman who was another of Shelley Lubben’s victims. She came on board because she genuinely wanted to help people, and she gave up so much in exchange for the opportunity to work with Pink Cross, only to be chewed up and spat out like bubble gum. When she came forward with the truth about… Read more »

Michael Whiteacre
12 years ago

Lubben loses another one (from her Facebook wall, May 2, 2012):

“Shelley, I’ve read the 2 part blog of April Garris and I am fully convinced that she’s saying the truth. Your church independent, self serving and demon obsessed Pink Cross “ministry” (your dollar milking cow) is doing more harm than good for the cause of Christ. I am unfriending u.”



[…] there were the many defections — April Garris, Michelle Avanti, Savannah Jane, Lubben’s own best friend, among many others — all […]


[…] there were the many defections – April Garris, Michelle Avanti, Savannah Jane, Lubben’s own best friend, among many others — all […]

Jody Williams
10 years ago

When I first “retired” out of the sex industry in 1984 – I needed support. I was on probation and didn’t want to risk violating that probation. But my attorney had advised me that under the conspiracy laws – if a prostitute even said on the stand that I had given her a phone number – that was it – just gave her a phone number – then I’d go to jail for felony pimping and pandering. But these women “outside” of the business made me sick because to me they were hooking – but just didn’t view it as… Read more »

9 years ago

Shelley posted on her own twitter page about “flushing the drugs” just last year I think it was. I watched a video of her speaking at some college where she was clearly drunk and really embarrassing. The attacks are real. When these women have “defected” from Shelley’s camp – I get calls of apology for the attacks that they say Shelley made them do. Now one or two could have been attacks on Shelley. But I’ve received five calls now from different women telling me the same story – they were put up to stalking and attacking me by her… Read more »

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