And Now For A Completely Different Kind of Asshole!

A storm is coming for all fans of adult films and it’s time to put a stop to it! Michael Weinstein, President of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF),  has been on a crazed one-man mission to force the adult industry in California to submit to a mandatory condom-only policy. On the surface this sounds perfectly rational, especially to a gay studio like Hot House, which has been a condom-only studio since our inception 20 years ago. However, further examination of Weinstein’s demands reveals that he’s also calling for the use of condoms for oral sex, dental dams for rimming, and  protective eyewear for cast and crew, just to name a few. In the end a day on the set cold look less like a porn shoot and more like an ebola containment mission.

Earlier this week Weinstein further enraged the gay community when he attacked men who choose to take Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) medications by referring to   Truvada as a party drug, basically slut-shaming gay men for being sexually active and taking a responsible role in their own healthcare. As if Weinstein’s actions and statements weren’t despicable enough, what’s even more shocking is that he’s using the AHF’s public funding and private donations to promote his own cause, blowing millions of dollars on billboards and media coverage that could be actually saving lives.

Take action!   Mr. Los Angeles Leather 2014 Eric Paul Leue has created a  Change.org petition calling for the removal of Weinstein from AHF.   Sign it here and spread the word on social media with the hashtag #removeWeinstein to help raise awareness for this petition.

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  • Michael Weinfuck needs to have his dick and balls cut off and shoved down his throat! All Weinfuck cares about is his own financial viability and if HIV becomes curable he thinks he will lose his substantial income. That is why he is against anything that will actually work at reducing or curing HIV. His crusade to run porn out of California is just because he got stuck with medicating two or three HIV cases that happened to be porn performers and he seems to think porn caused it (newsflash Weinfuck, straight porn had nothing to do with it). Essentially Weinfuck is pissed because he thinks porn cost him money so he is attempting to make sure it doesn't happen to him again.

  • Close, but not really. What he wants is a piece of the action. AHF is a shareholder in condom companies and would also reap substantial benefits from a government contract to monitor testing. He really wanted all that at the beginning. Greed was the motive.

    But now that's not the case. He knows his crusade is falling apart around his ass and even his own previously loyal supporters have turned on him. He can't back down after all the bullshit he's spewed without exposing himself for the charlatan huckster he really is so he has no choice but to fight to the end, even against those who have previously supported him. I don't set too much store by the uprising from those associated with gay porn production, who he can easily demonize as greedy bastards who don't give a shit about performers the way he has straight porn producers.

    But when he starts getting kicked around by respectable outfits like APLA, his game is about over. He's only pushing himself closer to his own one yard line by dismissing Truvada as a party drug and put himself opposite the CDC and just about every AIDS specialist in the country.

    Porn is no longer the issue. The issue now is whether or not Weinstein has taken to bashing the gay community from whence he sprung and where AHF's real money is made.

    After taking hit after hit from this bully (or thug as County Supe Zev Yaroslavsky called him) with no support from anyone, I think porn community supporters can now step back and watch some real heavyweights give this fool a taste of canvas.

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