Sexy Chloe Scott Signs With Unlicensed Agency Plush Talent

My 9th grade math teacher Mr. Benke used to tell me “you snooze, you loose”.. That really has nothing to do with Plush, but, Mr Benke was cool…

In case any of you still wonder, NO, Plush talent isn’t a licensed and bonded talent agency. Their license expired back in Dec of 2016. Scott Ohanian keeps telling the girls the State of California is on a 90 day backlog when it comes to updating their licensing. LOL Only a complete fucking retard would believe that..

Check out the below screen from the latest Plush email blast:

Scott claims to be licensed and bonded, however a quick check on www.dir.ca.gov returns these results:

I guess my first question would be, Why would a hottie like Chloe Scott sign with an Unlicensed Agency? Ever notice how many 18 year olds Scott signs? Why is that? Fresh off the boat and don’t know any better seems to be the Plush MO. God forbid Scott ever solicit a nude photograph from a 17 year old.

And why does Scott Ohanian keep violating California law by telling everyone he’s licensed and bonded when we all know that’s a lie?

I wonder how long it will take before Scott says, hey, lets shoot a custom for my clips for sale store that doesn’t exist?   lol

I bet Stoney Curtis wont be booking any Plush girls, like LA Direct, he dislikes Unlicensed Agencies

More great reading https://therealpornwikileaks.com/?s=Scott+Ohanian



Chloe, dont leave your ATM card lying around



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