Shelley Lubben: Prophet or Pimp?
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Madelyne is a beautiful and brave young lady.
yes she is. it took a lot of courage to share her story. be well, healthy and happy, Madelyne.
Here's a comment left today by a former Pink Cross employee -- and a Christian woman -- April Garris. She is reacting both Madelyne's interview AND Shelley Lubben's response to it (which was to drag Maddy through the dirt and call her "delusional"):
As a former employee of the Pink Cross Foundation, and someone who has known Maddie for a long time, I just want to say that I completely support Maddie, and the things that she said in this video.
Maddie does not deny that she has an alcohol problem, and it is apparent that she is taking the steps necessary to overcome her addiction.
As far as the claims made in her video, while I cannot attest to what happened in the Recovery Home, I will say that I was there on the 4th of July, was witness to what happened, and can confirm that she is being truthful. Maddie WAS passed out in the bedroom, and people were drinking in that home.
I guess what really disturbs me the most about this response is, aside from all of the dirt that is being brought out about Maddie, how many times it appears that the Pink Cross bailed her out, even though it was apparent that she had problems. I know that Pink Cross did bail her out on many occasions, even covering for her with CPS, according to this statement.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that, when you keep bailing out a person time after time, that person will continue in his/her reckless behaviour. It’s called enabling. No wonder Maddie never got help for her problem — not when she had Pink Cross to run to every time.
I am here to do nothing more but lend my support to Maddie. I am not here to bash Shelley, Pink Cross, or to take sides, but I can attest to the fact that Maddie is being honest, and she deserves to be heard, and deserves a chance at a future for her and her daughter.
Fresh YouTube link:
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