Tech-ual Healing is Good for CES Attendees at Popular Brothel Sheri’s Ranch

Sheri’s Ranch, the premier legal brothel and resort for men and couples in Nevada, scored big this past week at Las Vegas’ Consumer Electronics Show (CES), noting a 70% increase in sales thanks in part to the resort’s savvy use of mobile technology and social media to attract customers.

While CES’ yearly Ranch regulars account for much of the Pahrump resort’s business, new customers find their way to the Sheri’s by way of its updated online forums, Yelp, Twitter and Facebook pages as well as the social media of its many tempting courtesans. As a result, Sheri’s business has thrived while many of its competitors’ have not.

“The legal prostitution industry has dropped off by a third over the years, mostly by brothels without the foresight of an Internet presence,” said Sheri’s Ranch owner Chuck Lee. “Sheri’s Ranch is possibly the only legal brothel with a full-time online media staff that includes IT administration, Web Development, SEO, and Digital Marketing, and our investment in these tools has resulted in record attendance, steady company growth and increased name recognition for the Sheri’s brand.”

Sheri’s Ranch is consistently focused on the next step forward in erotic entertainment for its ever-growing customer base, much like the techie attendees who take delight each year in the latest devices on the showroom floor.

Online tech publication Re/code got into the game by bringing its readers inside the world of Sheri’s Ranch. In an article titled “This Is the Unofficial Brothel of CES”, Re/code goes into detail of not only the business of Sheri’s Ranch during the busy CES week, but how social media plays an integral part into how the women of Sheri’s Ranch are able to communicate with current and new customers. Re/code is an independent tech news, reviews and analysis site, from the most informed and respected journalists in technology and media. Because everything in tech and media is constantly being rethought, refreshed, and renewed, Re/code’s aim is to reimagine tech journalism.

Vice Magazine got into the mix, having some fun with a story entitled “A Legal Brothel’s Social Media Guidelines for Sex Workers.” “CES isn’t only Las Vegas’s biggest week for gadgets, it’s also one of its biggest weeks for legal prostitution. And, to attract tech savvy clients, legal prostitutes, or “courtesans,” have to be tech savvy themselves—which is why Sheri’s Ranch, one of Nevada’s largest legal brothels, has official Twitter guidelines for its employees to use.”   VICE, a magazine started by Shane Smith in Montreal in 1994, has since become a global company operating in 30 countries.

“CES is important enough to Sheri’s Ranch that we try to launch new specialty offerings each year prior to the event so that we always have something new for our CES customers to experience,” said Lee. “We’ve premiered Sheri’s Playland, a suite of six bungalows devoted to sexual role play with themes like ‘sexy secretary’ and ‘lusty ladies locker room’. This year we launched our Nuru Massage specialty room, a massage parlor where clients can receive a body-on-body massage that involves nuru gel, an extremely slippery full-body lubricant.”



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