28 year old Porn actor Sean Cody gets life

Feb 6, 2012
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If you’ve seen Jason Andrews (right) on Sean Cody, you better commit his image to memory: The 28-year-old porn actor is going away for life for the murder of Florida tattoo artist Dennis

According to Adult Video News, he and fellow porn star Amanda Logue agreed to join Abrahamson for a sex party in May 2010, but instead the couple bludgeoned and stabbed the 41-year-old to death and stole his credit card, cash, video camera and laptop.
The killing was notable for its brutality and the callousness with which the killers planned and executed the crime, including exchanging lurid text messages in the hours leading up to the attack. Logue had been hired by Abrahamson to have sex with him on camera during the party.
After they were initially released by authorities for lack of evidence, Logue and Andrews fled separately. But when new evidence emerged, Andrews was arrested in Chattanooga, TN, where he was working at an upscale cigar bar. He plead guilty in exchange for taking the death penalty off the table.
Aside from his careers in porn, homicide and bartending, Andrews was known in the Chicago nightlife scene as DJ Veritas.
Source: AVN via Unicorn


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