5 Things That Turn Women Off During Sex

Jul 3, 2014
Sex Talk
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Women and men are wired differently when it comes to the triggers that spark sexual arousal.  Men are more visually based whereas women are more emotionally and mentally based, requiring mental stimulation in order to become aroused. It may appear that women are always enjoying themselves in the bedroom because of the love faces formed, moist nether regions and sensual moans, but in reality women have moments of lackluster experiences that aren’t often discussed in order to protect the ego of their partners.  The things that turn women off in the bedroom aren’t so apparent, so to help out those men seeking to improve their sexual technique, here are five things that turn women off during sex.


1. Monotony

A one trick pony makes for an extremely boring show, and this same rule applies to sexual performance. A man that remains in the same stroke pattern and sex position for the duration of the experience will create an atmosphere of boredom and lose the interest of his partner. Switch things up and keep things interesting by remaining in a position for no more than 60 seconds and by varying the stroke pattern. Use a 10 stroke pattern, alternating from five long, slow strokes to five quickened short strokes. The variety will drive her wild!

2. Lack of expression

There is nothing worse than being in a sexual situation where a man is completely silent during the experience. Moans, groans and other sound effects are signs of positive affirmation that notifies a woman of her partner’s enjoyment as well as her superb performance, but when he is as quiet as a church mouse the lack of feedback will send a woman’s libido from 10 to 0 in 60 seconds. When libido drops, the vagina begins to return to its normal state and the flow of lubrication begins to decrease, ushering intercourse from a pleasurable situation to complete irritation.  If you are enjoying yourself during sex do not feel ashamed about expressing how you feel. It will turn her on and make her work harder at pleasing you.

3. Forcefulness

Rough sex is one thing, but sex that is forced when a woman does not want it to be rough is another. This type of sex not only turns a woman off, but it also makes the vagina feel threatened causing the vagina to close up and deny entry. If a woman is not into rough sex and she repeatedly uses words that express her lack of interest, you must play by her rules. A woman must feel comfortable and secure in order to enjoy a sexual experience.

4. Porn star expectations

It is common knowledge that men use pornography as a source of inspiration when practicing self -pleasuring, but the expectations that are often placed on women during performance because of pornography are unrealistic. Your favorite porn star may be hot and ready to have sex instantaneously and she may be able to be placed in intricate positions and handle penetration at creative angles, but those techniques often do not translate to the average everyday woman. Expecting a woman to know how to ride perfectly for 15 minutes or expecting a woman to perform fellatio as enthusiastically as a porn star can cause a woman to feel insecure about her sexual skills which can lead to performance anxiety. Be realistic about the sexual skillset your woman has and leave the porn star fantasies at the door (unless she has expressed and proven that she actually has those capabilities).

5. Hit and run

It is a slap in the face to a woman when a man reaches his climax, rolls over, gets himself together and then runs off like a thief in the night. Running off immediately after the sexual experience is a huge turnoff and makes a woman feel like she has been used up without any type of affection or consideration for her feelings. Men typically do not attach their emotions to sex to enjoy themselves but women do, so after sex don’t just run off. Cuddling or lying closely together to talk about the sexual experience is a great way to let your partner know that she is appreciated and adored and an excellent way to bond. Don’t just take the most precious piece of a woman and walk away from the experience selfishly. Show your appreciation for the woman who has allowed you into her most intimate space, especially if you want to see her again and keep your relationship intact.


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