Mexico City legalized gay marriage, or same-sex marriage, in March 2012. As of August 21, 2012, the entire country will be legally required to recognize the gay marriages officiated in Mexico City. Previously, if gay and lesbian couples married in Mexico City, their unions were only recognized in the city and their rights as a married couple were not clearly outlined for them.
Discussions regarding these same legal aspects of gay and lesbian families, particularly what the legal recognition of a marriage brings with it, heightened with the Chik-Fil-A scandal. President of the company Dan Cathy stated the company held views that were strongly against gay marriage.
Since then, more attention has been paid to the GLBTQ culture as a whole. Of particular importance has indeed been these rights afforded to gay and lesbian parents and families when they enter a same-sex marriage.
With the changes made legal throughout Mexico, gay and lesbian couples will have added benefits they were unable to enjoy in the past.
Among the added benefits for gay and lesbian families is the option to adopt, apply for financial assistance such as loans, and the ability to inherit what a partner bequeaths upon their death.
Rights to see a sick partner during a hospital stay or a feeling of financial security upon a partner’s death are on the horizon for gay and lesbian couples. Do you suppose the move on the part of Mexico City and the country of Mexico as a whole will influence the way equal marriage rights are currently viewed in the United States?
Sources: Huff Post Gay Voices, South Florida Gay News, Associated Press, Gay Star News
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Source Examiner.Com