A Statement From Leya Falcon

Jul 6, 2015
Adult Business News
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leya falcon

Leya Falcon sent us a statement:

My Dear Fans (though most of you are more like friends), friends, (porno) family and whoever else may be reading this,

I must first thank you all for your non-stop love, support and words of encouragement, I am beyond blessed to have such wonderfully caring fans (friends) and (porno) family members in my life. I may not know or have spoken to each and every one of you but I assure you that I am grateful for you nonetheless.

I am here this day of July 6, 2015 to clarify exactly what is going on with myself, my health and my career at this moment in time, as it has always been one of my top priorities to be a fairly open book of brutal honesty to keep each and every one of you as involved in my life events as you wish to be. Let us start from the beginning…

July 22nd I had gone under for an elective tummy tuck surgery to not only remove the loose skin on my abdomen but to repair my muscles that no amount of diet or exercise could repair, this is something that I had wanted for a very VERY long time and I took every precaution possible to make sure my surgery was successful but unfortunately some complications have risen.

Very early morning on July 3rd (probably about 4 am) I was having extreme pain in my left lung upon inhalation and decided to play it safe and have the ER check it out as it was not getting any better. After a series of tests the doctor came in and said “yep you have clots, not just in your left lung but in your right as well.” Needless to say this diagnosis took me completely off guard. It has been attributed to either my birth control pills I was on, my recent surgery or possibly a mixture of both and unfortunately there is no definitive answer or way to pin point the EXACT cause.

leya falcon

The medical term for what I am experiencing at the moment is pulmonary embolism, which is something I really have only ever heard of on those class action lawsuit commercials for the elderly you see play during daytime television. Being that I am relatively healthy, exercise daily, eat well, avoid drugs and am a very avid viewer of The Dr. Oz Show, I never saw this happening to me especially at the age of 27.

I have been in the hospital the past few days and the journey to healing has just begun. I am extremely lucky to be alive at this point as I came in just in time for these embolisms to be caught before they could travel from my lungs to my heart causing fatality. From what the doctors are telling me, I will be on self administered blood thinning injections daily for the next 6 to 9 months provided everything goes smoothly.

Though the prognosis of my living is very good, I am disappointed to say that during my time of healing I am going to be unable to perform because of my risk of bleeding to death as a side effect of the blood thinners. I will not even be able to dance as that also holds with it a high risk of injury (especially with my high energy performances) and therefore a high risk of excessive and possibly deadly bleeding.

I MUST make it clear to you all that I AM NOT IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM RETIRING, I love what I do and the people in this industry too much to just quit. I am just having to take a little hiatus while I get my health in order so that I can continue to perform for many, many years to come and do so healthfully without a risk of bleeding to death. I WILL BE BACK as soon as my condition is better and I can be taken off of blood thinners, I have never been one to give up on anything so easily, especially not something I have wanted to be a part of for so long.

I once again thank you guys for being here for me during this time and every other time since I have started my journey in this industry, I am truly a very blessed woman and am reminded daily that everything happens for a reason.  Though I do not currently know why I am going through this, I do know that I can get through it with the support of my wonderful parents, family, boyfriend, friends and coworkers and will become a better person because of it.

I must leave you with this: Never EVER take your health for granted as it can be taken from you in a millisecond. Never EVER take anyone in your life for granted, as they also could be taken from you in a millisecond.

Keeping high spirits, a positive attitude and sending out love, glitter, cats and the power of the force (come on, you know I had to make a Star Wars AND cat reference) to each and every one of you that are here for me, love and support me and even those that could care less, I still send the same positivity to all of you! Please realize your blessings!



P.S. Some extra love and thanks to Dogfart Network for setting up a GoFundMe campaign and those that donate to help with my not having a source of income while healing from my condition. I love you guys so much!

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