Alberta Sex Workers give support to local MLA caught in Minnesota prostitution sting

Oct 13, 2013
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Beleaguered former Progressive Conservative MLA Mike Allen has received a rare note of support for his widely publicized dalliances — from the Alberta Sex Workers.

Mr. Allen was one of 13 men caught in a St. Paul, Minnesota-area sting in July after police allege he took a limousine to an area hotel where he planned to pay $200 to have sex with two women. He was charged with attempting to solicit prostitutes while on the taxpayer-funded trip. He’s since resigned from government caucus and sits as an independent as he awaits court proceedings in Minnesota. Mr. Allen could face up to a year in prison and a $3,000 fine.


Alberta sex workers wish to assure MLA Mike Allen and all Albertans that his activities in Minnesota would be lawful, private and welcome in Alberta, where Sex Workers are pleased to consider respectful requests for personal services,” the Alberta Sex Workers stated in a release. “In addition, sex workers in Mr. Allen’s riding of Fort McMurray-Wood Buffalo want him to continue as their MLA. We feel he made a mistake taking his business out of Alberta to puritan St. Paul, Minnesota, but sex workers in his constituency are still pleased to have an MLA who values the services they offer.”

The release further noted that sex workers consider themselves to be independent small business owners who wish to have their occupational choices respected.


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