APHSS: Talent No Longer Required to Include Trep-Sure Test on STD Panel

Mar 13, 2013
Health, Safety & Testing
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LOS ANGELES — Adult Production Health & Safety Services (APHSS) and its medical advisory board have announced that, effective this Thursday, active performers will no longer be required to include the Trep-Sure (syphilis) test on the STD testing panel.

Instead, the Trep-Sure test will be replaced with the RPR test, a recognized standard for syphilis testing, used by clinics and hospitals.

However, first-time performers will still be required to Trep-sure tests (14 days apart) prior to performing in their first scene.

The change in protocol is hoped to lessen wait time for test results, as well as unnecessary testing for specific patients.

The decision comes after the first meeting of the APHSS medical advisory board, which is made up of a team of sjx doctors including infectious disease experts, pathologists, and internists that either serve in an advisory capacity, or as doctors involved with APHSS testing facilities.

“Our medical advisory board had a very substantive discussion that concluded with the revised protocol,” said Diane Duke, CEO of Free Speech Coalition (FSC) which developed APHSS. “An overwhelming majority of our medical professionals concluded that this was the best path.”

“This is an impressive group and me are extremely fortunate to be able to rely on their expertise.”

APHSS was created by FSC to uphold testing protocols for the adult production industry. One of the responsibilities of APHSS is to mandate minimum standards of performer testing, in order to comply with industry-appropriate self-regulation.


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