Belarusian man accused of airing pornography on TV

Apr 15, 2013
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MINSK, Belarus, April 15 (UPI) — A Belarusian man was arrested for allegedly airing 10 minutes of pornography on television during the daytime, investigators said Monday.


An employee at the television station BelMuzTV Saturday allegedly aired several music videos by the band Lyapis Trubetskoi, which is banned unofficially in Belarus, followed by 10 minutes of pornography, RIA Novosti reported.

The employee then fled the building

“The suspect, an employee of the channel born in 1985, was detained in [the city of] Mogilev, and has been brought to Minsk. … He is already being interrogated,” a law enforcement official told RIA Novosti Monday.

While being questioned by police, the suspect allegedly said he aired the banned music videos and pornography because he was upset over a recent fight with his girlfriend.

He was charged with the public showing of pornography and faces a possible four years in prison if charged and convicted.

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