Dennis Hof, brothel owner and author of “The Art of The Pimp”, rebuts sex work washout Desi Foxx’s bizarre claims in an exclusive interview with Michael Whiteacre.
The life of Desi Foxx demonstrates that comedy lies only a hair’s breadth away from tragedy. These days she posts endless anti-porn / anti-sex work petitions that fail to garner more than two signatures, but as recently as six years ago Desi had a much different business model.
All About Desi Foxx
In 2007, Desi (aka Diana Grandmason / Garren) stage-managed her 19-year old daughter Elli Foxx’s entry into the adult business. Known around porn valley as “Elli’s Pimp”, 48-year-old Desi joined her daughter as an adult performer less than a year later. Their specialty: scenes in which they both banged the same guy at the same time in titles such as Wanna Fuck My Daughter Gotta Fuck Me First 2 and Mother-Daughter Exchange Club 4.

Desi “definitely was in charge,” says Hof. “The daughter was a very sweet, nice girl. And she did whatever she needed to do to make the mom happy. I think that’s why they did porn, because the daughter told me that she had no interest in porn from the beginning, that it was all mom’s idea.”
Desi publicized and marketed both Elli and herself religiously in the adult press, playing up their “very open relationship”:
What Desi failed to mention when promoting this mother-daughter sex team, however, was that in April 2005, Desi’s husband Homer Lee Garren, Jr. had been convicted of Criminal Sexual Conduct with a person under the age of 13. (Homer has since been released from prison, and is a registered sex offender.) Instead, Desi claimed that Homer was in prison because he “got on crack after we divorced and lost his way. That shit is so bad and they should be fighting it instead of messing with porn and escorts. Sex is good and healthy, drugs are bad and kill you.”
As we noted in 2012,
If you look at this part of the story, suddenly the timeline makes sense: hubby gets popped for diddling kids. Desi can’t support her kids, and sends Elli off to Porn Valley. Desi sees the earning potential in a mother-daughter combo, does the media rounds, and promotes her and Elli’s sex lives as normal. She tells the world that her kids were never abused nor were they ever around abusive people.
When criticized for her eagerness to perform alongside her own daughter, ‘Mama Pimp’ demurred that “what Elli and I do is no different than nudists or swingers do”. In all her public statements she was pro-sex, pro-sex work (“escorting is none of the gov’t’s biz”), and very pro-porn.
But then the porn jobs dried up.
When the novelty of a mother-daughter act became worn and played out, Desi soured on porn and went searching for greener pastures. In early 2009, the duo landed at Dennis Hof‘s Moonlite Bunny Ranch brothel in Nevada.

Desi Foxx in 2008. I liked Desi.” says Hof. “We never had a problem with her at all until she left.”
At the Bunny Ranch, Desi and Elli offered mother-daughter sessions — “parties” in brothel parlance — in addition to working separately. Elli found financial success at the brothel, but Desi had a harder time. In June 2009, Desi left the brothel in frustration, taking her daughter with her. Elli receded from public view, but Desi turned anti-porn and anti-sex work. In 2010 Desi accepted AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s offer to help sue the AIM Healthcare clinic for adult performers out of existence (she never got a penny). For a while she worked alongside now-disgraced anti-porn fraudster Shelley Lubben. Unwilling to share the spotlight, Lubben dropped her, and Foxx struck out on her own.

Desi with AIDS Healthcare Foundation attorney Brian Chase (left) and AHF president Michael Weinstein (right) in Hollywood, Calif., June 2010.
Desi now resides in a ’55 and older’ trailer park in Florida (where, up until recently, two of her neighbors were registered sex offenders). She has made many hundreds, perhaps thousands, of deranged blog posts, and she tweets endlessly (from multiple accounts — at least 13 of them — which retweet and ”favorite” each other’s hysterical tweets) about how porn and prostitution constitute sex trafficking. Unsurprisingly, she has achieved absolutely nothing in regards to her positions, which are not legally sound. Foxx also now claims that her daughter and she were trafficked into porn and other sex work by evil predators, among other revisionist statements.
Last month, on March 23, Foxx recommenced blasting her former employer, Dennis Hof, on Twitter. In a rant filled with bizarre claims, Foxx called him a criminal and sex trafficker, implied that he was involved in a murder, and alleged that his best friend, porn legend Ron Jeremy, was a necrophiliac!
Why launch an attack Hof now? Because Hof was in the middle of a nationwide media tour to promote his genuinely unputdownable book, “The Art of The Pimp“, and Foxx hoped to attract some publicity.
A week later, Hof’s press tour brought him to southern Nevada, where he graciously agreed to discuss Foxx’s bizarre charges with TRPWL.
Let’s begin with these tweets: “Girls are sex trafficked at the Bunny Ranch. Dennis Hof and Madam Suzette use FRAUD, COERCION, DEBT BONDAGE to hold brothel workers!” And “Dennis Hof’s best friend Ron Jeremy is a necrophiliac. He likes to have sex with dead bodies. These people are criminals!”
My God… Here’s the deal: They didn’t make it in porn, her and her daughter; it didn’t work out. So for whatever reason they wanted to join ‘Team Bunny Ranch’, and make some money. The daughter made a lot of money. The mom had a lot of fun, but she drank a lot and so she didn’t make the money that she could have, actually. So, when the daughter decided to get out of the business, the mom decided to get out too because they would work together. They would try to sell those kind of parties.
We never had a problem with her at all. We traveled to New York with her, I think we took her on [Howard] Stern and different things. I liked Desi. We never had a problem with her at all until she left, and then all of a sudden she wants to say these terrible untrue things. It’s sad. I think what she’s doing is, she has no life now so she wants to have a cause. And [since] I have a ‘name’, it’s easy to throw out there all these negative things about me to get attention. But there’s as much truth in the stuff about us sex trafficking as there is with Ron being a necrophiliac. It’s just not true at all.
How did Desi and her daughter came to work at the Bunny Ranch — there’s a process by which women have to apply, correct?
I’m trying to think exactly how it happened, but they came to us. We never recruited them. We have a thousand girls a month apply to work. They came to us through somebody in the porn business. I don’t know whether it was Ron [Jeremy] or maybe Marc Medoff. Let’s see if Ron wants to take credit for this. [laughs]
Hof phones Ron Jeremy — “Hi, darling”. Ron doesn’t recall how Desi and Elli came to work for Hof. When Hof informs Ron of Desi’s charge that he has a necrophilia fetish, Ron laughs incredulously.
Hof: There’s no way a girl could play dead with that big dick of yours in her. [laughs] Ron, I think this comes from her getting ‘necrophiliac’ mixed up with ‘narcoleptic’.
Ron, who is notorious for dosing off in public, laughs and asks if Desi had any other ‘good ones’ about him.
Hof: No, I think that was the last of the stupid remarks. The bottom line is, she was a failure in porn, she was a failure at the Bunny Ranch..
Ron: They quit and went back to their home town…
Hof: Everything was a fine when they left, then she had this dream that she was sex trafficked or some shit.
After Hof and Jeremy finish catching up, we continue discussing Foxx’s Twitter attack.
In these next tweets, Desi claims that you and Madam Suzette “threaten and punish girls who won’t sleep with you”, that you “force” sex on them, and that “girls are threatened if they leave.”
Have I slept with a lot of girls, absolutely. I’ve only dated girls that worked, but it’s not part of the prerequisite of being hired. I try not to get involved in the hiring process, just so people can’t say things like that. Suzette does most of the hiring herself. In fact, it would break my heart if I felt like a girl was sleeping with me because of her job. Also, remember, 10,000 girls have worked for me in 23 years. I couldn’t have slept with all of them. What was the second part of that again?
That they’re threatened if they leave.
Threaten them if they leave? The door swings both ways. She would have 9,999 girls who would disagree with that.
It does defy credulity that anyone could anyone keep thousands of women quiet over a period of more than two decades. And if they weren’t allowed to leave, those thousands would have to be your prisoners to this day, or corpses.
For the record, I’ve known many many women who worked at your brothels over the years. Not one ever said you forced them to do anything, or threatened them. Here’s another Desi tweet: “Dennis Hof pimps girls illegally outside of Nevada. He took us to a Long Island john in NYC.”
That’s just absolutely bullshit.
The next one is regarding your June 2009 trip to New York, where you brought Desi and Elli onto the Howard Stern Show. [A synopsis may the found here. Photos and more info can be found on Howard] She tweeted, “Dennis Hof set us up on [the] Howard Stern Show, tried to pimp us on a Father’s Day contest [and] made us lie on the show.”
It wasn’t “trying to” do anything — the bit was, on a Father’s Day show, that you’d get to date a mother and daughter, if I remember correctly. It was a contest. I mean, everybody agreed on it long before we went to New York. It wasn’t like we went to New York, went on the show, and then they got tricked into it. It was a bit that we all put together to get media exposure for them being at the Ranch. To help them and promote the business.
That was the purpose of the New York trip?
Yes, and that was the only reason we were on the show! To do the Father’s Day contest.

Elli and Desi on the Howard Stern Show, June 16, 2009. Howard asked how it worked when they double-team customers at the Bunny Ranch, so Elli explained that she usually kicks things off (“I’m known for my deepthroating, which my mom hasn’t quite mastered yet.”) and her mom finishes them off. Desi confirmed it: “She sucks ‘em and I f’ them.”
Did you have the impression that Desi and Elli were each running their own careers, or how did that work?
No, the mother definitely was in charge. The daughter was a very sweet, nice girl. And she did whatever she needed to do to make the mom happy. I think that’s why they did porn, because the daughter told me that she had no interest in porn from the beginning, that it was all mom’s idea.
I should’ve known, because of the terrible things they were saying about the porn industry…
They were already badmouthing the adult business?
When they came to me, the mom — not the daughter — was saying all these awful things about the porn industry, so I don’t know why I would be shocked that she’d now be saying terrible things about me. Of course porn has its good and bad, but the things she was saying were really unfounded. I think just the fact that she seems to confuse, in Ron Jeremy’s case, narcolepsy with being a necrophiliac, kinda tells you where she’s coming from.
The final tweets are about Brooke Phillips, whom she also wrote about on one of her sites. Desi says you were dating her [Phillips]; that she became pregnant and the baby may have been yours; and thus you had “everything to gain” by having her killed.
She should read my book. First of all, yes I did date Brooke. The second thing is, no it wasn’t my kid, because I had refused to do that. I had a vasectomy a long time ago, and refused to go to the sperm bank to do that [inseminate her].
She wanted to have a kid with you?
Yeah, she did. But I wasn’t interested; I didn’t want that responsibility.
And you had already had the vasectomy.
I’d already had the vasectomy, yes. And it was like, we’re not going to the sperm bank to get this done.
In regards to her getting murdered, it’s a tragic murder. She and her girlfriend wanted to have kids simultaneously, and raise their kids together. I wouldn’t do it, and Brooke found a guy [to impregnate her].
She and her girlfriend went out with these two guys — not the guys who got them pregnant, two other guys that they went out with on a date — and they stopped by a drug dealer’s house to get some drugs. While they were there, the dealer’s ex-bodyguard [David Allen “Hooligan” Tyner], wacked out on drugs, came to the house. One guy escaped. But now there’s witnesses. They knifed them, they shot ’em, and they burned the house down around them. Killed six people; both of the girls were pregnant, so they counted that as two more murders.
Just recently, the case expanded. I think there’s now four people involved in it. One guy they originally got, one guy they had a shoot out with — they shot him in the dick; he had to have his dick cut off — and then they got one or two over guys just recently. It keeps getting brought up in the news. Any suggestion that I was involved with it is ludicrous. I mean…God. She ought to be real careful because that’s the kind of thing where you bring the lawyers in and go after them. And I’ve done it many times.
When Sunset [Thomas] and I split up, she had a guy that I’d fired because we found out in a [background] check that he had been in prison for white slavery and drugs. It was an old guy. So we fired him, and of course he hated me. So, he and Sunset hooked up, and they stared motherfucking me. Wankus used to have that radio show…
Yeah, on KSEX Radio
So this guy was going on that show every day saying “I’m going to tell it all, Dennis abused those children, he molested them, he did this to Sunset, he beat her, etc…” I didn’t know he’d been doing this. So I get a call. I’d just gotten off a plane, I was about 15 minutes from the airport. The guy says, “You know what’s going on?” I said, no. He tells me this guy is going on Wankus’ show that night, and “Wankus wanted you to know about it.” I said, “Guess what, I’m going back to the airport.” I turned around, parked my car, got the next flight.
The guy must’ve got the word that I was in the building, because he went on the show and they started asking him questions, and he had nothing to say. “All week long you’re been telling us that you’re gonna spill your guts, that Dennis did this, Dennis did that, did this to the kids…” Finally, Wankus said [to me], “Why don’t you go on?” I went out there, sat down and said, “Look, why don’t you tell the truth here… You got fired because you’ve been in prison for white slavery, is that true.” He says, yes. “And you’ve also been in prison another time for dealing drugs, is that true?” Yes. “You can’t work for me with that kind of history. And now you’re teamed up with Sunset, she’s pissed off at me and you’re saying all these terrible things. It’s unacceptable.” He goes, “Sunset said… Sunset said…” Well, get Sunset in here.
So the next day, I was so mad I got [attorney] Al Gelbard, and we sued him. We got a million dollar judgement. I’ve still got the judgement. His parents are old rich people, and when they tip over I’m gonna get my money.
Desi was fired (again) in January and remains unemployed. On March 9, she launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund a video series “on cultural trends of porn, entertainment & politics as they relate to sex trafficking!”
FMG’s Media Domme project series, “The Hell of Fame,” brings a newscast to the public like no other out there today. Media Domme dissects dominating headlines and their underlying stories to expose corporate executives, celebrities, politicians and other public figures who are helping to promote sex trafficking and pornography throughout our societies. Many are associated with organized crime. It’s time for the public to take an honest, hard look at the truth of how these criminal networks are affecting our nation and our world.
In order to move into this newest phase of online activism, FMG needs to purchase the necessary equipment, software programs and subscriptions. Cameras for both video and stills, sound equipment and set buildout are the main expenses to cover. To produce, edit and distribute this enlightening view of one of the biggest problems affecting our children and young adults, we need to purchase the proper recording and editing software. All persons involved in the production of this series donate their time so there are no staffing costs.
Apparently none of the persons involved in the production could donate any money, however. Here is the fundraiser’s final tally:
Rack up another spectacular failure for Desi Foxx.
Thanks as always to Dr. Cindi Spiegler, MD, PhD, DDS and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Thanks to Bosco too.
Good work, fellas.
Desi would never tell me the Bunny Ranch rate for going from Elli’s ass to Momma Pimp’s mouth.
I actually wondered if desi was a good fuck and headjob. I had seen her my first sex teacher just recently and honestly she got me going. Not like LIsa ann or brandi love, but desi has those lips that look like they were made to suck cock. Sounds like she was not a very good person though
Nicely done.
[…] CLEARWATER, Fla. – When we last saw anti-porn / anti-sex-work / anti-trafficking crusader and trailer park resident Desi Foxx (a.k.a. Diana Grandmason / Garren) her former employer, Dennis Hof of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch brothel was calling her out on some of her lies and historical revisionism. […]
met Desi 3 times at the ranch. She was great. Course noone goes in there to hear gossip or backgrounds… so didn’t know about the back story… interesting stuff though.
How much did that run???
S sad bitter woman who looked pretty Foxx, Melanie Scott, Ludden, Stormy Daniels, Traci Lords, Mercedes Carrera, even Linda Lovelace are/were enemies of this harmless private entertainment.