County Ban on Adult Novelty Stores, Unconstitutional

Nov 19, 2013
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Commissioners are discussing permitting adult entertainment stores in Clay County, which are currently not allowed.


After a business’ request to bring an adult store to Clay County, commissioners are taking a closer look at the county’s development code.

The code does not allow the store, but the business is saying that is unconstitutional.
County commissioner Wendell Davis says they may not be able to avoid adult entertainment stores from coming, but he wants to avoid paying legal fees if the county says “no” and then has to go to court.
“Makes no sense to me. We may like or not like the fact of adult entertainment, but wasting citizens’ tax dollars makes no sense.”

Most people we talked to say they don’t want the stores to be allowed, but one woman who didn’t want to be seen on camera says she doesn’t see the problem.

“I don’t think there should be a problem with it, you have to be 18 to be allowed in it. It’s not like they’re having nude dancers in there. It’s just to keep marriages happy.”

“Adult novelty stores are protected by the First Amendment, so Clay County commissioners are looking into time, place and manner restrictions for any possible new stores.”

Commissioners say they are looking at zoning districts to only allow the stores in unincorporated areas.

GTN – Gainesville Television Network


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